Manowarriors! 40 weeks from today, on April 6, 2021 MANOWAR will kick off their 40th Anniversary Tour 2021 in Zwickau, Germany!
We will be writing history again with this tour, packed with fan favorites and lots of surprises.
Speaking of surprises: In these 40 weeks leading up to the tour, we will be opening our war chests and share with you something unique from MANOWAR history every week.
Today’s treasure is an article from Metal Mania magazine (USA) from 1987. Check it out in the gallery below.
And if you have never experienced MANOWAR live before, here is how the article’s author Teri Saccone put it: 
“They kill with power. They excel with technical virtuosity. They stun their audiences with obliterating live performances.” 

Witness it yourself on the upcoming 40TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR

All tour dates on

Follow MANOWAR on manowar.comFacebookTwitter and Instagram for all tour dates and constant updates.
#MANOWAR 40thanniversary #tour #louderharderbigger

MANOWAR Are Calling Their Loyal Army Of Immortals To Be A Part Of The MANOWAR History Project!

Great news for all Manowarriors! In celebration of their 40th anniversary MANOWAR will be opening their war chests to share special memories from their impressive career as a very special thank you to the greatest fans in the world!

But that’s not all!

Ever since MANOWAR exploded on the metal scene in 1980, one thing stood out: Their loyal and devoted army of followers. Known the world over as “Manowarriors”, these Brothers and Sisters of Metal have stood side by side with the founders and defenders of true metal, united by their beliefs and the power of true metal. This global army grows bigger and stronger every day.

Behind each face, every tattoo, all the snippets Manowarriors have collected about their favorite band, there is a story that the world wants to hear about!

Therefore we are calling upon MANOWAR’s mighty Army Of Immortals: Join us and open your war chests, share your cherished memories, tell us YOUR personal MANOWAR story and why you are a MANOWARRIOR FOR LIFE so you can become known to the world for all time as a part of the OFFICIAL MANOWAR HISTORY!

Here is how you can participate:

Write about yourself, for example what country you live in, your age, when and how you discovered MANOWAR, what you most relish about the band and the kinship with your fellow Manowarriors, special anecdotes from your life that you associate with MANOWAR. Whatever is in your heart.
Don’t worry if your English isn’t fluent – the spirit of true metal is universal and will be understood! If you prefer you can also write in your native language. 

Ideally, include a photo of yourself and if you have any MANOWAR mementos we invite you to send photos of these treasures, too. Whether current items or things from the time you first discovered the band, or whatever you choose to share with the world.
We know many of you have great collections, like article clippings, posters and more.  And of course, we are always excited to see the MANOWAR tattoos you wear with pride!!

With a little luck YOU and YOUR contribution will not only appear on our websites and on social media but also be included in an upcoming MANOWAR release, like the next chapter in the history of MANOWAR, “The Blood Of The Kings II”.

Here is a great example of such an amazing “Manowarrior For Life” story.

How to participate:
You can share your story and photos on FacebookTwitterInstagram or other social media, or answer to one of MANOWAR’s posts, and include #MANOWAR #40thanniversary #manowarriorforlife 
Or you send your contribution to

IMPORTANT: Before you participate read the terms and conditions of this contest HERE

Follow MANOWAR on manowar.comFacebookTwitter and Instagram for all tour dates and constant updates.


Hail Brothers and Sisters,

My name is Yiğit Elvis İlgü and I am one of the millions of MANOWAR fans. I studied making plucked music instruments and am also working as a tour guide in Berlin. I love history, art and I’m a proud member of the ever-growing Army Of Immortals! What a privilege it is when the Kings Of Metal ask a fan to write something about himself.

My MANOWAR story started when I was just 13 years old. I was going through some CDs in a secondhand shop and after seeing the killer artwork of the “Kings Of Metal” album I had to buy it. I remember coming home, putting the CD into my discman, holding the booklet in my hands to follow the lyrics and the first song “Wheels Of Fire” basically took my breath away! (Well, the speed made it kind of impossible to follow the lyrics:)) This was nothing I could compare with any other heavy music I knew before! I listened to the second song, “Kings Of Metal” and it was so clear: this was my band! When the marathon was finished with “The Blood Of The Kings” I guess I was already a die-hard fan. And I had to get all the other albums asap! Today I’m 35 and still collecting everything about MANOWAR and searching for new items.

I got my first tattoo, Sign Of The Hammer, when I was 15 and many people around me said it was a mistake, that this was just a teen ambition and I wouldn’t like this music in some years anyways. Well, I never cared what others said, those people were wrong, and they were too weakhearted to build their own way of life … and now they must be complaining every day about their boring lives.

My biggest dream when I was a teenager was to attend one single MANOWAR concert. I’m from Istanbul and in the 90s we thought it was very unlikely that the Kings would ever play in Turkey. Luckily, I moved to Berlin almost 20 years ago and since then I’ve seen 60 MANOWAR shows in 20 different countries. Besides the Earthshaker Festival/Fan convention, my first show was a very special one. I was 17 and it was gonna be only an autograph-day of the band in a music store in Hamburg. But a small stage was built there and the surprise was that the band was going to play some songs! I got to the store early in the day and it was no one but Scott Columbus himself setting up his drum kit! I remember myself running towards him and he just started to laugh, calmed me down and told me there was no need of running.

That day I got to see three live songs, meet the band and I could give Joey my fan-letter signed with my own blood! The way MANOWAR had done it when they signed the contract for the “Into Glory Ride” album. This was how they wanted to show the world that they were dead serious in their dedication and that they were unstoppable! And I had to show my dedication the same way. Don’t try this at home! 🙂

One of the special moments of being a Manowarrior is when I’m on the street or in the public transport wearing my MANOWAR t-shirt as usual and some random person shouts „Hail and Kill“ at me or just does the Manowar sign. Then we know we talk the same language! That reminds me that what we share is more than the music, but also a way of life. I truly doubt that any other band could create the brotherhood and the passion for true metal like MANOWAR does. Going to a MANOWAR show is not only celebrating the best band on earth and having a great time but also having a huge family meeting, catching up with old friends from all over the world and meeting new brothers and sisters. Other than making lifelong friends, the greatest thing was meeting my wonderful wife at a MANOWAR show.

Thank you MANOWAR for the most glorious music on earth and for always being there for me. Without your music I wouldn’t be the person I am today. And happy 40th anniversary! See you on the tour, because I will be there!

Yiğit Elvis İlgü

In 1980 a new band exploded on the metal scene that would change the world of music and create history; with songs that have become battle hymns, with a sound like no other, and a passion and determination that has defied any obstacles since.
Their name: MANOWAR!

Now, 40 years later, these founders and defenders of the true metal movement have the most loyal army of followers that continues to grow bigger and stronger than ever; and these fans from all over the world have demanded more!  MANOWAR have heard the call of their devoted Army Of Immortals and will return with their 40th Anniversary Tour!

Scheduled for April 2021, MANOWAR will first return to Germany, the land of true metal, and for the first time in many years to The Netherlands:

Confirmed dates so far:


Tue, April 6, 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Thu, April 8, 2021 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Fri, April 9, 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sat, April 10, 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Mon, April 12, 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7
Tue, April 13, 2021 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Fri, April 16, 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, April 17, 2021 – Nuremberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of MANOWAR, the tour will be bigger than ever, featuring orchestra and choir, Viking reenactors, stunning visuals and a powerful set list full of immortal classics!

“All of us, everywhere in the world, are living in a very challenging time right now” said Joey DeMaio. “But we will get through this, standing together, stronger than ever! Music is a universal power! It guides us through tough times and unites us! And when it is time to celebrate again, we will raise our hands in victory, with the greatest fans in the world!”

The “40th Anniversary Tour 2021” will be a celebration of everything metal fans love about MANOWAR: Songs that unite and inspire, epic imagery, outstanding sound and a gathering of like-minded friends under the Sign Of The Hammer.

Tickets will go on exclusive pre-sale on Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020 at 10AM CEST on Eventim Germany respectively Eventim Netherlands. General ticket sale will start on other ticket outlets on Friday, June 5th, 2020 10AM CEST.

A limited number of ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE UPGRADES, for the most personal fan experience ever, will be available on this tour! These upgrades work in conjunction with any ticket for the respective event. Fans should secure their admission tickets NOW and can purchase an ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE once these upgrades go on sale.

For tour details and ticket links go to

Follow MANOWAR on , Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates.

MANOWAR – 40th Anniversary Tour 2021 – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Tue, April 6, 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle

Thu, April 8, 2021 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy

Fri, April 9, 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena

Sat, April 10, 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena

Mon, April 12, 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7

Tue, April 13, 2021 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom

Fri, April 16, 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena

Sat, April 17, 2021 – Nuremberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung


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1980 explodierte eine neue Band in der Metal-Szene, die die Musikwelt veränderte und Geschichte schrieb – mit Liedern, die zu Hymnen wurden, mit einem unvergleichlichen Sound und mit einer Leidenschaft und Entschlossenheit, die sich seitdem allen Hindernissen widersetzt. Ihr Name: MANOWAR!

Jetzt, 40 Jahre später, haben diese Gründer und Verteidiger der True Metal-Bewegung die loyalste Armee von Anhängern, die größer und stärker ist als je zuvor. Und diese Fans aus aller Welt haben mehr verlangt!

MANOWAR haben den Ruf ihrer treuen Army Of Immortals gehört und kehren mit der
„40th Anniversary Tour 2021“ auf die Bühne zurück!

MANOWAR werden zuerst im April 2021 nach Deutschland, Land des True Metal zurückkehren, und werden zum ersten Mal seit vielen Jahren auch die Niederlande besuchen.

Bestätigte Termine:
Di, 6. April 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Do, 8. April 2021 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Fr, 9. April 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sa, 10. April 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Mo, 12. April 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7
Di, 13. April 2021 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Fr, 16. April 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sa, 17. April 2021 – Nürnberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung

Anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums von MANOWAR wird diese Tour größer als jede zuvor, inklusive Orchester und Chor, Wikinger-Darstellern, atemberaubenden Bildern und einer starken Set-Liste voller unsterblicher Klassiker!

“Wir alle, überall auf der Welt, leben gerade in einer sehr herausfordernden Zeit”, sagte Joey DeMaio. „Aber wir werden es schaffen, gemeinsam; und wir werden stärker als je zuvor! Musik ist eine universelle Kraft! Sie hilft uns durch schwere Zeiten und verbindet uns. Und wenn es wieder Zeit zum Feiern ist, werden wir mit den besten Fans der Welt unsere Hände zum Sieg erheben! “

Die „40th Anniversary Tour 2021“ bietet alles, was Metal-Fans an MANOWAR lieben: Songs, die vereinen und inspirieren, epische Bilder, hervorragenden Sound und ein Treffen gleichgesinnter Freunde unter dem Sign Of The Hammer.

Tickets gibt es ab Dienstag, 02.06.2020 10:00 Uhr MESZ unter Eventim Deutschland bzw. Eventim Niederlande im exklusiven Vorverkauf. Ab Freitag, 05.06.2020 10:00 Uhr MESZ sind Tickets auch bei anderen Ticket-Verkaufsstellen erhältlich.

ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE (UFE) Upgrades, für die persönlichste Fan-Erfahrung aller Zeiten, werden auf dieser Tour in begrenzter Anzahl verfügbar sein! Diese Upgrades funktionieren nur in Verbindung mit regulären Eintrittskarten. Fans sollten JETZT ihre Eintrittstickets sichern und ihre ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE (UFE) erwerben, sobald diese Upgrades in den Verkauf gehen.

Ticket Links und weitere Infos gibt es auf

Folge MANOWAR auf, Instagram, Facebook und Twitter für regelmäßige Updates.

MANOWAR – 40th Anniversary Tour 2021 – Bestätigte Tourdaten:
Di, 6. April 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Do, 8. April 2021 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Fr, 9. April 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sa, 10. April 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Mo, 12. April 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7
Di, 13. April 2021 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Fr, 16. April 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sa, 17. April 2021 – Nürnberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung

Den offiziellen Trailer zur Tour:


MANOWAR keert terug naar Europa met zijn 40-jarige verjaardagstournee 2021

In 1980 explodeerde een nieuwe band in de metalscene die de muziekwereld zou veranderen en geschiedenis zou schrijven; met nummers die strijdhymnen zijn geworden, met een geluid als geen ander en een passie en vastberadenheid die alles heeft overwonnen.
Hun naam: MANOWAR!

Nu, 40 jaar later, hebben deze oprichters en verdedigers van de ware metal-beweging het meest loyale leger van volgelingen dat groter en sterker blijft groeien dan ooit. En deze fans van over de hele wereld eisen meer! MANOWAR heeft de roep van hun toegewijde Army Of Immortals gehoord en komt terug met hun 40th Anniversary Tour!

Gepland voor april 2021 keert MANOWAR voor het eerst in vele jaren terug naar Duitsland, het land van het echte metal, maar ook voor het eerst in vele jaren naar Nederland:

Bevestigde data tot nu toe:
Di, 6 april 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Do, 8 april 2021 – Rotterdam Ahoy
Vr, 9 april 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Za, 10 april 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Ma, 12 april 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7
Di, 13 april 2021 – Berlijn, DE – Velodrom
Vr, 16 april 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Za, 17 april 2021 – Neurenberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung

Ter gelegenheid van het 40-jarig bestaan van MANOWAR wordt de tournee groter dan ooit, met orkest en koor, Viking-acteurs, verbluffende visuals en een krachtige setlist vol onsterfelijke klassiekers!

“We leven allemaal, overal ter wereld,op dit moment in een zeer uitdagende tijd”, zei Joey DeMaio. “Maar we zullen hier doorheen komen, samen sterker staan dan ooit! Muziek is een universele kracht! Het leidt ons door moeilijke tijden en verenigt ons! En als het weer tijd is om te vieren, zullen we de hand opsteken in de overwinning, met de meest geweldige fans ter wereld!”

De “40th Anniversary Tour 2021” zal een feest zijn van alles waar fans van MANOWAR van houden: Songs die verenigen en inspireren, epische beelden, uitstekend geluid en een samenkomst van gelijkgestemde vrienden onder het Sign Of The Hammer.

De kaartjes zullen op dinsdag 2 juni 2020 om 10.00 uur CEST in exclusieve voorverkoop gaan op Eventim Duitsland en Eventim Nederland. De algemene kaartverkoop zal op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 om 10.00 uur CEST bij andere verkooppunten van start gaan.

Voor de meest persoonlijke fan-experience ooit is er een beperkt aantal ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE UPGRADES beschikbaar voor deze tour! Deze upgrades vormen een aanvulling op elk ticket voor het betreffende evenement. Fans moeten zich NU verzekeren van hun toegangskaarten en kunnen de ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE kopen zodra deze upgrades in de verkoop gaan.


Voor tour details en ticket links ga naar
Volg MANOWAR op, Instagram, Facebook en Twitter voor constante updates.

MANOWAR – 40th Anniversary Tour 2021 – Bevestigde Tour-data::
Di, 6 april 2021 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Do, 8 april 2021 – Rotterdam Ahoy
Vr, 9 april 2021 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Za, 10 april 2021 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Ma, 12 april 2021 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena, Halle 7
Di, 13 april 2021 – Berlijn, DE – Velodrom
Vr, 16 april 2021 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Za, 17 april 2021 – Neurenberg, DE – Arena Nürnberger Versicherung

Bekijk de officiële tour trailer:



Posted in News. Comments Off on MANOWAR kehren mit 40th Anniversary Tour 2021 nach Europa zurück / MANOWAR keert terug naar Europa met zijn 40-jarige verjaardagstournee 2021

On June 14, 2019 MANOWAR returned to Athens, Greece – a city rich in history; echoing its great heroes and their immortal deeds. A truly special place to unleash The Final Battle Tour!

Here some highlights of a night burning with metal and the energy of MANOWAR’s Greek Manowarriors and Brothers and Sisters Of Metal from all over the world.

For upcoming tour dates go to and follow us on , Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

#MANOWAR #thefinalbattle2019 #live

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A limited number of ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE PACKAGES are now available for MANOWAR’s first ever performance in Mexico on March 14th, 2020 when they will headline Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020!

Packed with unique features to make this show even more special, these fan packages include MANOWAR’s recently released pictorial history “The Blood Of The Kings – Volume 1” signed by the band, a special money-can’t-buy item used on stage, admission to the festival on both days (March 14 + March 15, 2020), access to Hell & Heaven Metal Fest’s private VIP area and seating, and other features.

Fans who choose the Platinum Package will also be treated with a private chat with Joey DeMaio, an electric guitar signed by the band and an individual photo taken with MANOWAR.

But better be fast, these packages are limited in quantity and sell on a first come, first serve basis.

For the 10th anniversary of the festival MANOWAR will bring their biggest stage production ever, directly from Europe, along with a troupe of Vikings warriors and a set packed with fan favorites!

“Our dream has finally come true; now we will finally play in Mexico” said Joey DeMaio.

ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE packages are available exclusively on The Kingdom of Steel (US).


Follow MANOWAR on , Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all tour dates and constant updates.

Confirmed Tour Dates:

MANOWAR: 2020 Dates:
MAR 14, 2020 – Hell & Heaven Metal Fest – Mexico City, Mexico

Posted in News. Comments Off on Ultimate Fan Experiences Are Now On Sale For MANOWAR’s First Ever Performance In Mexico

In a press conference held earlier today in Mexico City, Joey DeMaio announced that MANOWAR will headline Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020 on March 14, 2020 in Mexico City!

This will be their first ever Mexico show thanks to the Mexican Manowarriors who fought and won to have their favorite band finally come to their home country.

“Our dream has finally come true; now we will finally play in Mexico” said Joey DeMaio. “Our fans never gave up hope that we would come here. For many years they have traveled the world to see us. We, together with the greatest and strongest fans in the world have been waiting for this moment for a very long time! We made a promise to our fans that when we came it would be with all our power and they promised to never lose their belief in MANOWAR!”


Addressing the fans directly DeMaio said: “It is finally going to happen, thanks to your faith and persistence! It’s going to be a massive spectacle, deserving of a crowd that has the fire of true metal running through their veins.”

For the 10th anniversary of the festival, MANOWAR will bring their biggest stage production ever, directly from Europe, along with a set packed with fan favorites!

For tickets and further info go to

A limited number of ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE UPGRADES, for the most personal fan experience ever, will be available for MANOWAR’s first ever performance in Mexico! Upgrades will soon go on sale exclusively on The Kingdom of Steel.

Follow MANOWAR on , Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for all tour dates and constant updates.

Confirmed Tour Dates:

MANOWAR: 2020 Dates:
MAR 14, 2020 – Hell And Heaven Metal Fest – Mexico City, Mexico

Joey DeMaio: “The Blood of The Kings” Spoken Word Tour 2019:
NOV 01, 2019 – Technikum – Munich, Germany
NOV 02, 2019 – Kleine Meistersingerhalle – Nuremberg, Germany
NOV 03, 2019 – Liederhalle (Silchersaal) – Stuttgart, Germany
NOV 04, 2019 – Batschkapp – Frankfurt, Germany
NOV 05, 2019 – Savoy Theater Dusseldorf, Germany
NOV 07, 2019 – Christuskirche – Bochum, Germany
NOV 08, 2019 – Kleine Laeiszhalle – Hamburg, Germany
NOV 09, 2019 – Tempodrom (Kleine Arena) – Berlin, Germany
NOV 10, 2019 – Haus Leipzig – Leipzig, Germany
NOV 12, 2019 – Kulturfabrik – Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg
NOV 14, 2019 – Södra Teatern – Stockholm, Sweden
NOV 17, 2019 – Posten – Odense, Denmark


MANOWAR Confirmado como Headliner de Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020 en México

En una conferencia de prensa celebrada hoy en la Ciudad de México, Joey DeMaio anunció que MANOWAR encabezará Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020 en marzo del 2020 en la Ciudad de México.

Este será su primer show en México gracias a los Manowarriors mexicanos que lucharon y ganaron para que su banda favorita finalmente llegara a su país de origen.

“Nuestro sueño finalmente se ha hecho realidad; ahora finalmente tocaremos en México “, dijo Joey DeMaio. “Nuestros fanáticos nunca perdieron la esperanza de que viniéramos aquí. Durante muchos años han viajado por el mundo para vernos. ¡Nosotros, junto con los fanáticos más grandes y fuertes del mundo, hemos estado esperando este momento durante mucho tiempo! ¡Hicimos una promesa a nuestros fanáticos de que cuando viniéramos sería con todo nuestro poder y prometieron nunca perder su creencia en MANOWAR!Dirigiéndose directamente a los fanáticos, DeMaio dijo: “¡Finalmente va a suceder, gracias a su fe y persistencia! Será un espectáculo masivo, merecedor de una multitud que tiene el fuego del verdadero metal corriendo por sus venas “.¡Para el décimo aniversario del festival, MANOWAR traerá su mayor producción teatral de la historia, directamente desde Europa, junto con un conjunto lleno de favoritos de los fanáticos!Para entradas y más información, visita

¡Un número limitado de UPGRADES ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE, para la experiencia más personal de los fanáticos, estará disponible para la primera presentación de MANOWAR en México! Las actualizaciones pronto saldrán a la venta exclusivamente en The Kingdom of Steel. Sigue a MANOWAR en , Instagram, FacebookTwitter para conocer todas las fechas de la gira y las actualizaciones constantes.

Fechas confirmadas del tour: 

MANOWAR: 2020 Fechas:

Marzo de 2020 – Hell And Heaven Metal Fest – Ciudad de México, México

Joey DeMaio: Tour de palabras habladas “La sangre de los reyes” 2019:

01 de noviembre de 2019 – Technikum – Munich, Alemania

02 de noviembre de 2019 – Kleine Meistersingerhalle – Nuremberg, Alemania

03 de noviembre de 2019 – Liederhalle (Silchersaal) – Stuttgart, Alemania

04 de noviembre de 2019 – Batschkapp – Frankfurt, Alemania

05 de noviembre de 2019 – Savoy Theater Dusseldorf, Alemania

7 de noviembre de 2019 – Christuskirche – Bochum, Alemania

8 de noviembre de 2019 – Kleine Laeiszhalle – Hamburgo, Alemania

09 de noviembre de 2019 – Tempodrom (Kleine Arena) – Berlín, Alemania

10 de noviembre de 2019 – Haus Leipzig – Leipzig, Alemania

12 de noviembre de 2019 – Kulturfabrik – Esch / Alzette, Luxemburgo

14 de noviembre de 2019 – Södra Teatern – Estocolmo, Suecia

17 de noviembre de 2019 – Posten – Odense, Dinamarca




Posted in News. Comments Off on MANOWAR Confirmed As Headliners Of Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020 In Mexico / MANOWAR Confirmado como Headliner de Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2020 en México

Magic Circle Entertainment Group have announced that Ronald Prent and Darcy Proper have arrived in the United States at VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK.

Owner Joey DeMaio commented: “We are honored to have Ronald and Darcy with us; they are both megastars in their fields – Ronald in audio engineering, recording and mixing and Darcy as a multi GRAMMY® award-winning Mastering Engineer.”

Ronald Prent has worked with an impressive rollcall of world-acclaimed artists including Celine Dion, Simple Minds, Freddie Mercury, Dire Straits, The Police, Simple Minds, Rammstein, The Scorpions, Elton John, Cliff Richard, Tina Turner, Herbert Grönemeyer, Peter Maffay and MANOWAR.  Having worked at some of the world’s greatest studios including Galaxy Studios, Belgium, Ronald is globally recognized as a giant of the mixing desk.  In 2018, he earned a GRAMMY® nomination for Best Immersive Audio Album, confirming his prominence at the forefront of sound technology. Ronald is one of the most accomplished and innovative Mixing Engineers in the world, specializing in surround sound and immersive audio, not only pioneering in this field of mixing, but also playing a key role in the conceptualization and development of new technology needed to meet the demands of working in these progressive high-resolution multi-channel formats.

Meanwhile, Darcy Proper is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s premier Mastering Engineers, giving her refined finishing touches to reissue projects for legendary artists like Billie Holliday, Louis Armstrong and Johnny Cash and creating her trademark immaculate stereo, 5.1 and 9.1 masters for the likes of Steely Dan and The Eagles.   In an industry where reportedly less than 10% of Audio Engineers are women, Darcy has blazed a formidable trail, with a staggering 11 GRAMMY® nominations for her many achievements, winning no fewer than four of the prestigious awards. Along the way she became the first woman to win a GRAMMY® for Best Surround Sound Album in 2008.   Darcy’s skills and unique talent are a perfect fit for VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK. After studying at NYU, Darcy joined Sony Music as Studio Maintenance Technician and then worked as a QC (Quality Control) Engineer at Sony Classical.  From an initial focus on the classical genre, Darcy decided to join the mastering team at Sony, spreading her wings outside the classical field. She moved to Europe and worked at Galaxy Studios, Belgium then on to Wisseloord Studios, where she and Prent designed and supervised the complete rebuild of the studio to include Immersive Audio concentrating her workflow on high resolution surround mastering with multiple height channels in all of the various immersive audio formats.

VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK is one of the most advanced and forward-thinking studios in the world, with uniquely pure acoustics and the highest quality standards.

Says Ronald Prent: “VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK is unlike any other studio I have ever worked in before in my more than 30-year career as mixing engineer! I just completed some live mixes for Peter Maffay here and am very happy with the results. And so was the artist. The studio is perfect for the exciting new development in sound, Immersive Audio. I’m thrilled to be here.”

Darcy Proper explained: “It feels like coming home. Not only because I grew up just a few hours from here, but more importantly because everyone here is committed to provide us with an environment and atmosphere to do our best work.”

VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK offers a wide array of services and expertise from songwriting to recording, mixing and mastering in stereo, surround all immersive audio formats and very soon Dolby Atmos®, the leaders in Immersive Audio. Immersive Audio is the sonic equivalent of 4K/HD resolution and is widely expected to become the new standard.   VALHALLA’s over 20,000 square foot facility is equipped with multiple recording studios and adjacent offices and the latest technology.

VALHALLA’s flagship, Studio 1 aka ‘The Church’ is a former church; now a 2,500 square foot recording studio with outstanding acoustics and the latest, state-of-the-art equipment including the word’s first custom built Immersive Audio console and PMC’s standout QB1 monitors.  Located directly in the center of in Upstate New York, between Syracuse and Niagara Falls, known as the Finger Lakes region, VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK combines the best of both worlds: Undisturbed serenity in a beautiful landscape that allows creativity to flow and the convenience of easy access from national and international destinations.

For more information about VALHALLA STUDIOS NEW YORK services or to book your next music project, email


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