Today’s #warchest takes you behind the scenes of the making of the “Blow Your Speakers” video. The song is featured on the 1987 release “Fighting The World”.
The song was inspired by fans telling us that they would play their #MANOWAR records so loud that the speakers on their players exploded.
We recommended they buy bigger speakers that could withstand the power of #truemetal
Side note for #trivia buffs: The young man featured in all three photos is John Stillwell Jr., son of our genius Chief Technician and dear brother, the late John “Dawk” Stillwell.


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MANOWAR celebrates its 40th anniversary on the forthcoming tour and many of YOU have reasons to celebrate, too! Take the example of Jozef from Slovakia who celebrated his 40th birthday on MANOWAR’s show in Zürich last year. Many happy returns of the day, brother and thank for sharing your story.


Hello Manowar Team

I am Jozef and I am from Slovakia. I am a fan of Manowar since 1992, in that time I bought my first two CD’s Hail to England and Into Glory Ride. Over time I bought more CD’s, DVD’s and other Manowar products. Until now I’m a big fan of Manowar. I was on concert in Zürich 2019. I celebrated there my 40th Birthday. I was born on 7. 6. 1979 and the concert was on 8. 6. 2019. In Germany I met Joey DeMaio on the Spoken Word Tour ‘The Blood Of the Kings’ where we drank Slivovica together. It was a big moment for me. I will be a fan for the rest of my life.

Greetings from Slovakia

Send your celebration photo to or post with hashtags #MANOWAR and #anniversary with a brief description of your reason to celebrate!


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¿Qué banda permite que sus fans envíen su historia en su idioma natal?
Sólo existe una banda, aquella que tiene a los mejores fans del Metal. MANOWAR.
Por ello decidí escribir mi historia “Manowarrior de por vida” en mi idioma natal, español de México.
Me llamo Ignacio Muñoz Bautista, y tengo 25 años y 10 años en la historia de Manowar
Recuerdo cuando empezaba a ser llamado por éste estilo de vida. Desde los 8 años, me convertí en Rockero con Chuck Berry y a los 13, el Metal cambio mi vida…
Comencé con Metal en la vena más extrema, Thrash y Death. Sin embargo, a los 14 años al escuchar el bajo de Geezer Buttler en Children of the Grave, llamó mi atención el Metal más clásico. Fue así que comenzó mi obsesión por la búsqueda de verdadero Metal.
MANOWAR llegó en el momento perfecto cuando entré a la preparatoria a los 15 años. Mi amiga Alexi y yo pasábamos las horas libres cantando clásicos del Heavy Metal de Priest, Maiden, Helloween, etc. Fue esa amiga, quién me presentó… Guyana (Cult of the damned). Nunca imaginé que un instrumento como el Bajo se escuchará ¡tan cabrón! Joey DeMaio era el responsable de esa intro tan épica y única. Y la voz, tan expresiva de Eric Adams, un narrador de historias asombroso ¡Maestro!. Ross The Boss ¡sin palabras! ¡Pura calidad Premium en los solos de guitarra! Scott Columbus… tambores de guerra que sonaban después de “ Thank you for the the Kool Aid Reverend Jim…”. Nunca había escuchado canción alguna como Guyana… ¿Quién toca esa canción? ¿MANOWAR? ¿quiénes son? Necesitaba más dosis de ellos…
En mi hogar no teníamos internet en esos tiempos e iba a lugares de contracultura y “underground” como el “Tianguis cultural del Chopo” a conseguir música. Ese mismo fin de semana busqué algo referente a Manowar. El primer CD que encontré y compré fue “Thunder in the sky”. ¡A huevo! Otro álbum tremendo, cada canción, una joya y lo que más me sorprendió fue la grabación de “Father” ¡en 15 idiomas diferentes al inglés! “Padre” la canción de mi más grande mentor y modelo a seguir, mi papá. Esa canción lo describe perfectamente puesto que fue agricultor de niño y adolescente y a la fecha nos sigue enseñando a mi grandioso hermano y a mí, la paciencia y entrega de trabajar la tierra y obtener grandes resultados por el esfuerzo que implica ello. Muchas canciones de Manowar me recuerdan a él y a mi madre, auténticos guerreros; mi padre llegó solo de un pueblo de provincia a la Ciudad de México hablando Náhuatl (idioma natal de México) y mi madre de niña, juntaba fierro y vidrio en la basura para ganar dinero y a pesar de venir de cierto nivel de “pobreza”, ambos lograron vencer cualquier adversidad sin poner excusas y sabiendo que “for any day that stings, two better days it brings, Nothing is as bad as it seems” y “always, carry on!”.
A partir de escuchar ese disco, sabía que tenía que conseguir todos, y así, todo el dinero que obtenía de trabajos estaba destinado a conseguir material original de Manowar y ésta dicho: “quien busca encuentra”. Llegaron a mi todos, poco a poco, e inclusive los DVD´s Hell on Earth. Yo no lo creía, puesto que sólo leía reseñas de ellos en revistas. Esta serie de videos me mostraron el gran trato y entrega que tiene Manowar con sus fans, como ninguna otra. Y el deseo de verlos en vivo se hacía más grande.
Cuando supe el año pasado que venían a México, ¡no podía creerlo! Y éste año, el inicio de una batalla que está ocurriendo por hacerse de un lugar en la Nueva Era de grandes retos para la humanidad, fue ambientado por Manowar en el Hell and Heaven Metal Fest. Las palabras no alcanzan a describir la energía que sentí esa noche. Todo fue increíble, profesional, y lo más cabrón que he visto en cuanto a espectáculo en mi México lindo y querido. El audio, escenario y setlist (The Power of thy Sword ¡nunca imaginé escucharla en vivo!) espectacular y de una calidad inigualable. ¡Gracias por demostrarnos de que están hechos! Y callarle la boca a esos incrédulos que decían que ustedes jamás vendrían. Y además… ¡Un DVD! Cuando me vi en la promo del 40 aniversario ¡no lo creía! ¡Gracias! Yo sé que éste DVD superará las expectativas de todo fan en el mundo.
Muchas gracias MANOWAR por ser el soundtrack de mi vida y combustible para afrontar retos en éste gran camino de la vida. Ustedes han estado presentes en mi vida deportiva y marcial como boxeador amateur, siempre me presento con la “Sign of the Hammer” =T=. Presentes con mi familia, viajes, trabajo y estudios, e incluso, en los agradecimientos de mi trabajo de Tesis (Bachelor´s Degree ) de Ingeniero Ambiental yo cité una frase de Warriors of the World United “…Con sueños de ser un Rey, primero debes ser un Hombre.” Que refleja la paciencia, trabajo duro y disciplina que debes tener para lograr tus, objetivos, metas y propósitos.
¡Vamos por más triunfos! en mi desarrollo humano, en mente, cuerpo y alma ¡siempre estarán presentes MANOWAR! No importan las adversidades, porque siempre estaré con mi “Corazón de Acero” que dirá al rugir de sus canciones: “¡Ponte de pie y pelea! Haz caso a tu corazón, siempre un intento más que no tengo miedo a morir ¡Levántate y pelea! Di lo que sientes, que he nacido con un ¡CORAZÓN DE ACERO!” =T=


Which band allows their fans to submit their story in their native language?
There is only one band, the one that has the best metal fans. MANOWAR.
So I decided to write my story “Manowarrior for life” in my native language, Mexican Spanish.

My name is Ignacio Muñoz Bautista, and I am 25 years old and 10 years in the history of Manowar
I remember when I started to be called by this lifestyle. From the age of 8, I became a Rocker with Chuck Berry and at 13, Metal changed my life …

I started with Metal in the most extreme vein, Thrash and Death. However, when I was 14 years old when listening to Geezer Buttler’s bass on Children of the Grave, the more classic Metal caught my attention. That is how my obsession with the search for true Metal began.

MANOWAR came at the perfect time when I entered high school at 15 years old. My friend Alexi and I spent our free hours singing Heavy Metal classics from Priest, Maiden, Helloween, etc. It was that friend who introduced me… Guyana (Cult of the damned). I never imagined that an instrument like Bass would sound so bastard! Joey DeMaio was responsible for that epic and unique intro. And the expressive voice of Eric Adams, an amazing storyteller. Teacher! Ross The Boss speechless! Pure premium quality guitar solos! Scott Columbus… war drums that sounded after “Thank you for the Kool Aid Reverend Jim…”. I had never heard a song like Guyana … Who plays that song? MANOWAR? who are they? I needed more doses of them …
In my home we didn’t have internet at that time and I went to sub culture and “underground” places like the “Tianguis cultural del Chopo” to get music. That same weekend I looked for something about Manowar.

The first CD I found and bought was “Thunder in the sky”. Of course! Another tremendous album, each song a jewel and what surprised me the most was the recording of “Father” in 15 languages other than English! “Father” the song of my greatest mentor and role model, my dad. That song describes him perfectly since he was a farmer as a child and adolescent and to this day he continues to teach my great brother and me the patience and dedication of working the land and obtaining great results for the effort that this implies. Many Manowar songs remind me of him and my mother, true warriors; my father came alone from a provincial town to Mexico City speaking Náhuatl (the native language of Mexico) and my mother as a child, collected iron and glass in the garbage to earn money and despite coming from a certain level of “poverty”, both managed to overcome any adversity without making excuses and knowing that “for any day that stings, two better days it brings, Nothing is as bad as it seems” and “always, carry on!”

From listening to that album, I knew that I had to get all of them, and thus, all the money that I obtained from jobs was destined to obtain original Manowar material and this one said: “who seeks finds.” They all came to me, little by little, and even the Hell on Earth DVDs. I didn’t believe it, since I only read reviews of them in magazines. This series of videos showed me the great treatment and dedication that Manowar has with his fans, like no other. And the desire to see them live grew greater.

When I found out last year that they were coming to Mexico, I couldn’t believe it!

And this year, the beginning of a battle that is taking place for a place in the New Age of great challenges for humanity, was set by Manowar at the Hell and Heaven Metal Fest. Words fail to describe the energy I felt that night. Everything was incredible, professional, and the most bastardo I have seen in terms of spectacle in my beautiful and beloved Mexico. The audio, stage and setlist (The Power of thy Sword, I never imagined listening to it live!) Spectacular and of an unbeatable quality. Thanks for showing us what they are made of! And shut up those unbelievers who said that you would never come. And also… A DVD! When I saw myself in the 40th anniversary promo, I didn’t believe it! Thank you! I know that this DVD will exceed the expectations of every fan in the world.

Thank you MANOWAR very much for being the soundtrack of my life and fuel to face challenges in this great path of life. You have been present in my sporting and martial life as an amateur boxer, I always present myself with the “Sign of the Hammer” = T =. Present with my family, trips, work and studies, and even, in the acknowledgments of my thesis work (Bachelor’s Degree) of Environmental Engineering I quoted a phrase from Warriors of the World United “With dreams of being a King, you must first be a Man.”
That reflects the patience, hard work and discipline that you must have to achieve your objectives, goals and purposes.

Let’s go for more wins! in my human development, in mind, body and soul, MANOWAR will always be present!
No matter the adversities, because I will always be with my “Heart of Steel” that will say at the roar of its songs: “Stand up and fight! Pay attention to your heart, always one more try that I’m not afraid to die. Get up and fight! Say what you feel, that I was born with a HEART OF STEEL! ” = T =



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My name is Joe, and I’m from Hertfordshire, England.

When I was 14, my friend introduced me to Heavy Metal. Among other songs, he showed me Die with Honor by Manowar, and I loved it. The bass intro, the guitar licks and Eric’s unbeatable vocals, I was hooked. I began going from album to album, listening to Manowar songs, and about 2 years later, I finally came across Defender

This song, about a deceased Father’s letter to his son really hit my heart, as I lost my own father aged 5.
I found myself replaying the line “I would’ve been there to watch you grow” over and over.

When I went to college, I met a guy named Zak, who liked metal. I showed him Manowar, he showed me other great bands and we’re best friends today. We used to drink, and bang our heads hard to songs such as Fighting the World, Burning and The Demons Whip. Some time later I also met a girl who loved metal, and knew Manowar. We dated, got together, and I took her to see them in Birmingham. I also got to meet Manowar there on my Ultimate Fan Experience. Drinking with Joey and getting to speak with Eric was a high point in my life. We saw the concert and it was amazing. Manowar fans aren’t like the rest. We are a family

The final word in my Manowar story, is the Spoken word tour.
My girlfriend and I traveled to Germany to see it, little did she know, I was planning to propose. In front of the Kreuzberg mural, just around the corner from the show, I proposed to her, and she said yes! After calling our families and friends, we went to the spoken word show. This was Joey DeMaio’s closing message

“You meet good and bad people in life, but as long as you stay true to yourself, good people will find you”

Manowar and their music has helped me overcome many tons of bad shit in my life, brought me some of my fondest memories, and I can’t imagine my life without them. I am an Immortal, forever

Hail to the Kings of Metal, long may they Reign!


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How can a person constantly challenged by adversity and controversy succeed against all odds, develop a successful long-lasting career and live a rewarding life?

In his new podcast, WORDS OF POWER, multi-talent Joey DeMaio talks about the life lessons that helped him achieve this and live his dream.

Read all about it on the link below:

MANOWAR’s Joey DeMaio Releases Episode 1 Of New Podcast “WORDS OF POWER – With Joey DeMaio”

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Today would have been Scott’s birthday. He was one of a kind. Always a smile on his face and an animal on the drums. He had the heart and the soul of a lion. Hail, Scott. Always remembered!
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Today’s #warchest #memory catapults us back into our early days. Enjoy this rare recording of Joey performing his bass solo in Copenhagen, in 1986.
WARNING: Do not try this at home!
#joeydemaio #live #bass #Denmark
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6 years ago Tokyo celebrated the Kings Of Metal 2014 Tour and the power of true metal.

A very special moment in MANOWAR history.

We will never forget the boundless passion and loyalty of our Japanese Manowarriors !

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Russian fans contributed to making The Final Battle Tour 2019 one of the greatest experiences of our career! 

Playing in new cities from Krasnodar across the whole country to Vladivostok, almost 10,000 km east, and many places in between was a dream come true!
We commemorate this special moment in #MANOWAR #history with this video, “House Of Death – Live In Russia 2019”. The sound was recorded live in Vladivostok on March 3, 2019 and the video features Manowarriors from Vladivostok and other cities. 
Now the whole world can hear and see the power of Russia’s Manowarriors, while we prepare our return to Russia in 2021!
With more shows, more cities, and our full production! 
Follow MANOWAR on manowar.comFacebookTwitter and Instagram for all tour dates and constant updates.

#MANOWAR #40thanniversary #2021tour #russia #louderharderbigger

Read the Russian text below the video.

Благодаря российским фанатам, тур The Final Battle 2019 стал одним из лучших в нашей карьере!
Это была наша мечта – дать концерты в Краснодаре и проехать по всей стране до Владивостока, почти 10000 км на восток, посетив по пути много замечательных мест!
Мы вспоминаем этот особый момент в нашей истории в новом видео – “House Of Death – Live In Russia 2019”. Звук для клипа был записан во Владивостоке 3 марта 2019 года и было использовано концертное видео из Владивостока и других городов.
Теперь Мир услышит и увидит мощь российских фанатов! Мы готовимся к возвращению в Россию в 2021-м году!
Больше концертов, больше городов, с большим масштабом!
Follow MANOWAR on manowar.comFacebookTwitter and Instagram for all tour dates and constant updates.
#MANOWAR #40thanniversary #2021tour #russia #louderharderbigger


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Our #warchest #memory this week commemorates an unforgettable show in Zlin, Czech Republic 15 years ago and our fallen brother, Scott Columbus. A giant of a man! Gone, but not forgotten.

#MANOWAR #40thanniversary

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