MANOWAR fans in the Czech Republic have prevailed and will be rewarded with two exclusive shows on the band’s upcoming “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023”!

After 11 years MANOWAR will return to the great city of Pardubice and return to the MANOWAR stronghold Brno after their memorable show there in 2019.

The confirmed dates are:

TUE, JAN 24, 2023    Pardubice, Czech Republic – Enteria Arena
THU, JAN 26, 2023    Brno, Czech Republic – Hala Vodova

General ticket sales for these shows start Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 10AM on!
Subscribers of can take advantage of an exclusive pre-sale period that is active NOW!

For tour dates and ticket info on all MANOWAR shows go to 

“Fans from all over the world request that we play in their country. We are honored by their loyalty and devotion and we plan to play as many countries as possible” said Joey DeMaio. “While we can’t fulfill all these requests at this time, we’re thrilled that the routing allowed us to add the Czech Republic to this tour. To our fans in other countries I say: Stay strong and have faith! We are working on bringing face-melting, ear-crushing metal to many more places soon!”

The “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” celebrates over forty years of true metal and anniversaries of iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride”, “The Triumph Of Steel”, “Kings Of Metal” and “Warriors Of The World”, among others.

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to the official MANOWAR YouTube channel.

MANOWAR – Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023 – Confirmed Dates:

JAN 24, 2023  Pardubice, Czech Republic – Enteria Arena
JAN 26, 2023  Brno, Czech Republic – Hala Vodova
JAN 30, 2023  Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
FEB 01, 2023  Espoo, Finland – Metro Areena
FEB 03, 2023  Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
FEB 06, 2023  Copenhagen, Denmark – Black Box Forum
FEB 08, 2023  Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
FEB 11, 2023  Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
FEB 13, 2023  Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
FEB 15, 2023  Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
FEB 17, 2023  Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
FEB 18, 2023  Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena
FEB 19, 2023  Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
FEB 22, 2023  Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
FEB 25, 2023  Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
JUN 03, 2023  Istanbul, Turkey – Maçka KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçiftlik Park

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Deutsche und internationale Manowarrior aufgepasst!
Aufgrund Eurer Nachfrage waren Tickets fĂŒr viele Veranstaltungen auf unserer kommenden Tour entweder ausverkauft oder so knapp, dass die Hallen ihre TicketkapazitĂ€ten erweitern mussten! Und genau das ist nun geschehen!

ZusĂ€tzliche Tickets sind ab sofort fĂŒr folgende Shows erhĂ€ltlich:
11. FEB 2023 NĂŒrnberg, Deutschland – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
13. FEB 2023 Zwickau, Deutschland – Stadthalle
15. FEB 2023 Mannheim, Deutschland – SAP Arena
17. FEB 2023 Neu-Ulm, Deutschland – Ratiopharm Arena
18. FEB 2023 Oberhausen, Deutschland – Rudolf Weber-Arena

Sichert Eure Tickets jetzt, bevor es zu spÀt ist!

Tickets fĂŒr alle deutschen Termine gibt es bei Eventim Deutschland
Alle Tourdaten und Ticketinfos unter

Mit der „Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023“ feiert MANOWAR ĂŒber vier Jahrzehnte True Metal und ikonische Alben wie „Battle Hymns“, „Into Glory Ride“, „The Triumph Of Steel“, „Kings Of Metal“ und „Warriors Of The World“.
Folge MANOWAR auf, Instagram, Facebook,und Twitter fĂŒr regelmĂ€ĂŸige Updates und folge dem offiziellen MANOWAR YouTube Channel fĂŒr offizielle Videos und exklusiven Content.

MANOWAR – Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023 – BestĂ€tigte Tour Daten:
30. JAN 2023 Tallinn, Estland – Saku Arena
01. FEB 2023 Espoo, Finnland – Metro Areena
03. FEB 2023 Göteborg, Schweden – Partille Arena
06. FEB 2023 Kopenhagen, DĂ€nemark – Black Box Forum
08. FEB 2023 Rotterdam, Niederlande – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
11. FEB 2023 NĂŒrnberg, Deutschland – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
13. FEB 2023 Zwickau, Deutschland – Stadthalle
15. FEB 2023 Mannheim, Deutschland – SAP Arena
17. FEB 2023 Neu-Ulm, Deutschland – Ratiopharm Arena
18. FEB 2023 Oberhausen, Deutschland – Rudolf Weber-Arena
19. FEB 2023 Bremen, Deutschland – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
22. FEB 2023 Oslo, Norwegen – Spektrum
25. FEB 2023 Berlin, Deutschland – Velodrom
03. JUN 2023 Istanbul, Turkei – Maçka KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçiftlik Park
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German Manowarriors and international Road Warriors who want to take part in the power and the might of MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” in Germany, prepare for Battle!

Thanks to all of you the venues on the upcoming tour have either sold out or are running so low they had to expand their ticket capacities!

Additional tickets are now available for the following shows:

FEB 11, 2023  Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
FEB 13, 2023  Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
FEB 15, 2023  Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
FEB 17, 2023  Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
FEB 18, 2023  Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena

Get your tickets now before it is too late!

Tickets for all German dates are available at Eventim Germany.
For all tour dates and ticket info go to

MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” celebrates the band’s over four decades-long career and iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride, “The Triumph Of Steel”, “Kings Of Metal” and “Warriors Of The World”, among others.

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to the official MANOWAR YouTube channel.

MANOWAR – Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023 – Confirmed Dates:

JAN 30, 2023  Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
FEB 01, 2023  Espoo, Finland – Metro Areena
FEB 03, 2023  Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
FEB 06, 2023  Copenhagen, Denmark – Black Box Forum
FEB 08, 2023  Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
FEB 11, 2023  Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
FEB 13, 2023  Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
FEB 15, 2023  Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
FEB 17, 2023  Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
FEB 18, 2023  Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena
FEB 19, 2023  Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
FEB 22, 2023  Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
FEB 25, 2023  Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
JUN 03, 2023  Istanbul, Turkey – Maçka KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçiftlik Park


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Thank you to all Manowarriors who joined us this summer during our CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL TOUR ’22/’23!

The tour continues starting winter 2023 with more hits, more surprises, and more metal than ever. The “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” celebrates over four decades of MANOWAR and iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride”, “The Triumph Of Steel”, and “Warriors Of The World”, and more!

For tour dates and ticket info, go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to MANOWAR’s official YouTube channel.


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Following guitarist E.V. Martel’s announcement that he will not be available next year, MANOWAR have invited metal shred legend Michael Angelo Batio to perform with them.

Martel announced on social media that he will take a break from touring for personal reasons. He added: “MANOWAR, their crew, along with all the Manowarriors around the world have been really great to me from the moment I came onboard. I could not be more thankful for the good times we have shared.”

“We love and respect E.V. and support his decision.” said Joey DeMaio. “He is a true brother, and we’ll forever share unforgettable memories like playing near the Arctic Circle or in Mexico for the first time!”

Batio, who will play his first shows with MANOWAR starting February 2023 is a veteran both in the studio and on stage.

Voted by Guitar One Magazine the “No. 1 Fastest Guitar Shredder of All Time” Chicago-native Batio is an accomplished musician in many genres, but is best known for his lightning fast metal performances. He is renowned the world over for his technical mastery of the fretboard, extremely fast picking and his invention, the “MAB Over Under” technique. His ability to play a double-necked and quad-necked guitar, using both hands has earned him the respect of fans and fellow musicians alike.

“We’ve known Michael for many years and have always admired his work.” said Joey DeMaio. “His technique is astounding, When we invited him to come and jam with us we played together at the speed of light. Everything fell into place immediately. We’re ready for a killer tour!

“I could not be more excited!” said Michael Angelo Batio. “I love metal more than anything, and it doesn’t get more metal than MANOWAR! I can’t wait to get on stage and play for the MANOWAR fans!”

MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” celebrates the band’s over four decades long career and iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride, “The Triumph Of Steel” and “Warriors Of The World”.

For tour dates and ticket info go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to MANOWAR’s official YouTube channel.

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OlĂĄ Manowarriors!

For personal reasons I will take a break from touring for a while and will therefore not be able to perform on the upcoming “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal” Tour 2023.

MANOWAR, their crew, along with all the Manowarriors around the world have been really great to me from the first moment I came onboard. I could not be more thankful for the good times we have shared.

With everything that is being prepared for next year’s tour I know you are all going to have an amazing time Crushing The Enemies Of Metal.

Thanks to all of you again.

Hail and Kill!

Evandro “E.V.” Martel

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Dear fans,

We have found out today, at the same time as you, that the promoter of Barcelona Rock Fest does not count on us for the performance on June 30, 2022.

Please note that everything the promoter has published about MANOWAR is completely false and we will take the appropriate legal action against him.

The promoter agreed with us in September 2021 on the conditions for our performance and now he refuses to comply with them.

It appears that he had already booked a performance with Avantasia, when we were still trying to solve the problem with him. He has done all this behind our backs.

We reiterate that, unfortunately, there have been many irregularities with the organization of the festival that sooner or later will have to come to light.

We have not demanded any last-minute conditions. What we demanded, of course, is what was agreed upon and that now the promoter refuses to comply with, causing us not to perform at the festival for reasons solely attributable to the promoter.

The only person responsible for this whole situation is the promoter.

We have tried until the last moment to fulfill the contract we had. In fact, we believed we still had time to fix all this when we were surprised by today’s announcement of the new group.

The only thing that the promoter is after is to enrich himself at the expense of us and our fans, acting ruthlessly and without the slightest consideration of your interests, the fans.

We deeply regret this situation since we really wanted to meet our fans again at Barcelona Rock Fest 2022.

Do not doubt that the truth will come to light, with the help of the Spanish justice if necessary.

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Queridos fans,

Nos acabamos de enterar al mismo tiempo que vosotros que el Promotor del BRF no cuenta con nosotros para la actuaciĂłn del prĂłximo dĂ­a 30 de junio.

Debemos deciros que todo lo que estĂĄ publicando acerca de Manowar es completamente falso y tomaremos contra Ă©l las medidas legales oportunas.

El promotor acordĂł con nosotros en septiembre de 2021 unas condiciones para la actuaciĂłn y ahora se niega a cumplirlas.

Tenemos conocimiento de que ya habĂ­a contratado una actuaciĂłn con Avantasia, cuando todavĂ­a estĂĄbamos intentando solucionar el problema con Ă©l. Lo ha hecho todo a nuestras espaldas.

Reiteramos que, lamentablemente en la organizaciĂłn del Festival se han producido muchas irregularidades que tarde o temprano tendrĂĄn que salir a la luz.

No hemos exigido ninguna condiciĂłn de Ășltima hora. Lo que exigimos como es lĂłgico es lo que se acordĂł y que ahora el promotor se niega a cumplir provocando por causas Ășnicamente imputables al mismo que no actuemos en el Festival.

El Ășnico responsable de toda esta situaciĂłn es el Promotor.

Nosotros hemos intentado hasta el Ășltimo momento, que se cumpliera el contrato que tenĂ­amos. De hecho, pensĂĄbamos que todavĂ­a estĂĄbamos a tiempo de arreglar todo esto cuando nos ha sorprendido el anuncio del nuevo grupo. Lo Ășnico que persigue el Promotor es enriquecerse a costa de nosotros actuando de forma despiadada y sin contar en lo mĂĄs mĂ­nimo con las preferencias de vosotros, los fans.

Lamentamos profundamente esta situaciĂłn puesto que tenĂ­amos unas enormes ganas de reencontrarnos con nuestros fans en el Barcelona Rock Festival 2022.

No dudéis que la verdad saldrå a la luz, con la ayuda de la justicia española si es necesario.
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During their long-awaited headlining performance at Release Athens 2022, MANOWAR paid homage to Greece and their Greek fans with a preview of their forthcoming opus “The Revenge Of Odysseus”.

“The Revenge Of Odysseus”, MANOWAR’s interpretation of Homer’s Odyssey, has stirred interest not only in the Greek metal community but has captured interest around the world due to its epic nature.
It features music by MANOWAR and narrations by Greek father/son actors Kostas and Konstantinos Kazakos as Odysseus and his son Telemachus respectively, retelling the classic tale.

The heart of the night’s performance was a 15 minute long extract from “The Revenge Of Odysseus” featuring MANOWAR’s brand new song “Immortal”, a powerful mid-tempo hymn inspired by Odysseus’ escape from the island of Ogygia, a live appearance by Konstantinos Kazakos as Telemachus and Sakis Tolis of the band Rotting Christ as the Oracle Halitherses, and the power ballad “Where Eagles Fly” with guest vocalist Chiara Tricarico. 

MANOWAR drove the crowd to the highest heights of Epic Metal Ecstasy thanks to the power of trademark classics including “Battle Hymn”, “Kings Of Metal” and “Hail And Kill”, and rarely performed fan favorites like “Dark Avenger”, “Defender” and “Fight Until We Die”.

The untamed force of these metal anthems was matched by powerful video imagery, transporting the audience into the heart of each story, told in song and narration.

A surprise guest appearance by iconic Scottish actor James Cosmo, star of “Braveheart”, “Highlander”, “Troy” and “Game Of Thrones” added another high note to this special night.
Mr. Cosmo made metal history with his narration on MANOWAR’s “The Sword Of The Highlands” and “The Revenge Of Odysseus” for which he narrates the part of Odysseus in the English speaking version of this new piece.

In an emotional speech Joey DeMaio thanked all collaborators in the Odysseus project, the promoters of Release Athens and most importantly the loyal Greek Manowarriors. “Working on this project has been unforgettable. Reading the Odyssey at ten years old changed my life forever!” said DeMaio. He ended his speech by promising that MANOWAR will return to Greece to present the rest of “The Revenge Of Odysseus” live.

The digital EP “Highlights From The Revenge Of Odysseus” is now available on iTunes worldwide and will soon be available on all other leading digital platforms including YouTube, Amazon, Tidal and Spotify.

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to MANOWAR’s official YouTube channel.

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