Season’s greetings!

An array of new items has arrived at The Kingdom Of Steel U.S. and The Kingdom Of Steel Europe!
Find a wide range of new items from brand new apparel including Sign Of The Hammer and Gods Of War motifs to new collectible memory sticks and more.

Find all new items shipped from our U.S. store HERE: http://www.thekingdomofsteel.com/new-arrivals-1/
Find all new items shipped from our European store HERE: http://www.thekingdomofsteel.eu/new-arrivals/

That’s not all!

Get a FREE Gift With Purchase at The Kingdom Of Steel U.S. for every order over 150.00USD order value.
You will receive a stylish, exclusive Circle Pendant that looks great on Brothers and Sisters Of Metal alike.
This item is not available for sale. Get it now*!
(*Offer available for limited time and only while stock lasts).

Happy Holidays.
We’ll see you at The Kingdom Of Steel

Visit www.thekingdomofsteel.com and www.thekingdomofsteel.eu

KOS slide Pendant


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The Youth Orchestra of Goethe Schule Essen-Bredeney will be playing during MANOWAR’s “Kings Of Metal MMXIV” World Tour at Grugahalle Essen on January 14, 2015.

This is a piece from their repertoire: Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana.
In January, they will also be playing MANOWAR songs!

More infos HERE:

Get your tickets HERE: http://bit.ly/1yEJJPw

For constant updates go to www.facebook.com/manowar and www.manowar.com

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Check this out: This was only the 2nd rehearsal the youth orchestra Goethe Schule Essen had for this song, and that in front of Joey and several journalists…

Great work everybody!

Remember what Joey said: Play as loud as you can, and have fun!!

We look forward seeing you rock the Grugahalle Essen on January 14!

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Tickets for all 6 German shows of the MANOWAR World Tour 2016 are now available through Lars Berndt Events under http://bit.ly/1HApmKs

Ticket buyers for SEATED TICKETS will receive an EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION SOUVENIR STICKER along with their ticket. (Souvenir Tickets can only be offered for GENERAL ADMISSION due to administrative reasons.)

No other ticket outlet will offer these SOUVENIR TICKETS/STICKERS and there is NO extra charge added, but they will be available only while supplies last.

In Deutsch:

Tickets für alle 6 Deutschland-Shows der MANOWAR World Tour 2016 gibt es jetzt bei Lars Berndt Events unter http://bit.ly/1HApmKs

Käufer von SITZPLATZ TICKETS erhalten einen EXKLUSIVEN LIMITED EDITION SOUVENIR STICKER zusammen mit ihrem Ticket. (Souvenir Tickets sind aus administrativen Gründen nur für General Admission Tickets verfügbar.)

Die exklusiven SOUVENIR TICKETS/STICKER gibt es in keinem anderen Ticket Outlet und es gibt sie OHNE Zusatzkosten, jedoch nur solange Vorrat reicht.

Musterdruck Souvenir Ticket:

LB sample souvenir ticket

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Right in time for the holiday season, The Kingdom Of Steel U.S and The Kingdom Of Steel Europe offer a storewide promotion to the Greatest Metal Fans In The World!

At The Kingdom Of Steel U.S.:

Get 10% OFF on all orders up to USD 99.99 order value (promo code: 10OFF)
Get 20% OFF on all orders from USD 100.00 order value (promo code: 20OFF)

Go to www.thekingdomofsteel.com

At The Kingdom Of Steel Europe:

Get 10% OFF on all orders up to 99,99 EUR order value (promo code: 10OFF)
Get 20% OFF on all orders from 100,00 EUR order value (promo code: 20OFF)

Go to www.thekingdomofsteel.eu

The sale starts in both stores on November 21, 2014 and ends November 28, 2014.

Check out the Terms & Conditions on the websites for more details.

Note that the Kingdom Of Steel stores are the ONLY officially authorized stores in the world for MANOWAR merchandise and they both offer worldwide shipping.
Any MANOWAR merchandise sold elsewhere (except on tour) is unauthorized and therefore illegal, designed to rip off our fans!
We are calling you to report by email to frontrow@manowar.com where you have seen false MANOWAR merchandise!

And of course: All purchases at The Kingdom Of Steel are eligible to Valhalla – The Kingdom Of Steel’s reward for their loyal Manowarriors!
For details about Valhalla go to http://www.thekingdomofsteel.com/valhalla/

See you at The Kingdoms Of Steel!

King_of_Kings_ TS



Tickets for the German dates of the MANOWAR World Tour 2016 are now on sale at http://bit.ly/1EZ6jr8
Tickets für die Deutschland-Termine der MANOWAR World Tour 2016 sind ab sofort im Verkauf unter http://bit.ly/1EZ6jr8

Tour Poster

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MANOWAR have confirmed the first tour dates for 2016!

After the success of their ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ World Tour that started in the U.S. in February of 2014, then moving on to several indoor and festival shows overseas, including first ever performances in Israel and Poland, and most recently the band’s long awaited return to Japan, MANOWAR are powering on with their next world tour for 2016.

“This tour has reached 13 countries so far and counting! Fans from all over the world are demanding MANOWAR play their country, and we will not stop until we have brought the power and the might of true metal to all of them” said Joey DeMaio. “Most of the shows for 2015 are sold out already, so this gives everyone a chance to get their tickets for 2016 now. We will be announcing more countries and tour dates soon!”

“We are proud of what we have accomplished on the ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ tour,” said DeMaio. “We gave our fans a show that was different from anything we have done before. And for 2016, we will have more surprises and an even bigger production!”

The first confirmed dates for the 2016 world tour are:

Friday, January 22, 2016 – Zenith – Munich, Germany
Saturday, January 23, 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt, Germany
Sunday, January 24, 2016 – Thüringenhalle – Erfurt, Germany
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin, Germany
Friday, January 29, 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart, Germany
Saturday, January 30, 2016 – ISS Dome – Düsseldorf, Germany

Tickets for these shows will go on sale on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 2:00PM CET.
For tickets and information about these shows go to: www.lb-events.de

MANOWAR will resume the ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ World Tour in January 2015 with shows in the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland.

For constant updates go to www.manowar.com and www.facebook.com/manowar

Confirmed Tour Dates:
Mon, January 12, 2015 – ČEZ Aréna – Ostrava, Czech Republic
Wed, January 14, 2015 – Grugahalle – Essen, Germany
Fri, January 16, 2015 – Zenith – Munich, Germany
Sat, January 17, 2015 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt, Germany
Sun, January 18, 2015 – St. Jakobshalle – Basel, Switzerland
Fri, January 22, 2016 – Zenith – Munich, Germany
Sat, January 23, 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt, Germany
Sun, January 24, 2016 – Thüringenhalle – Erfurt, Germany
Wed, January 27, 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin, Germany
Fri, January 29, 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart, Germany
Sat, January 30, 2016 – ISS Dome – Düsseldorf, Germany

In Deutsch:

MANOWAR geben Deutschland-Termine für Welttournee 2016 bekannt

MANOWAR haben erste Tourdaten für 2016 bestätigt!

Nach dem Erfolg ihrer ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ Welttournee, die im Februar 2014 in den U.S.A. startete und mit diversen Indoor Shows und Festivals in Übersee fortgesetzt wurde, inklusive ersten Auftritten überhaupt in Israel und Polen, gefolgt von der lange erwarteten Rückkehr der Band nach Japan, geben MANOWAR nun Vollgas für ihre nächste Welttournee im Jahr 2016.

“Diese Tour hat bislang 13 Länder erreicht, und es geht weiter! Fans von überall auf der Welt verlangen, daß MANOWAR in ihrer Heimat spielen, und wir werden nicht ruhen bis wir die Stärke und Macht des wahren Metal zu ihnen allen gebracht haben” sagte Joey DeMaio. “Die meisten Shows in 2015 sind bereits ausverkauft und jetzt geben wir den Fans die Chance ihre Tickets für 2016 schon jetzt zu sichern. Weitere Länder und Tourdaten werden bald bekanntgeben!”

“Wir sind stolz auf das was wir auf dieser ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ Welttour erreicht haben”, sagte DeMaio. “Wir haben unseren Fans eine Show gegeben, die anders ist als alles was wir bislang gemacht haben. Und für 2016 werden wir weitere Überraschungen und eine noch größere Produktion vorbereiten!”

Die ersten bestätigten Tourdaten der Welttour 2016 sind:

Freitag, 22. Januar 2016 – Zenith – München
Samstag, 23. Januar 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt/Main
Sonntag, 24. Januar 2016 – Thüringenhalle – Erfurt
Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin
Freitag, 29. Januar 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart
Samstag, 30. Januar 2016 – ISS Dome – Düsseldorf

Tickets gehen am Dienstag, 18. November 2014 um 14:00 Uhr in den Verkauf.
Tickets und Infos zu diesen Shows gibt es unter: www.lb-events.de
MANOWAR werden ihre ‘Kings Of Metal MMXIV’ Welttournee im Januar 2015 mit Shows in der Tschechischen Republik, in Deutschland und der Schweiz fortsetzen.

Für mehr Info und regelmäßige Updates:
www.manowar.com und www.facebook.com/manowar

Bestätigte Tourdaten:
Mo, 12. Januar 2015 – ČEZ Aréna – Ostrava (Tschechische Republik)
Mi, 14. Januar 2015 – Grugahalle – Essen (Deutschland)
Fr, 16. Januar 2015 – Zenith – München (Deutschland)
Sa, 17. Januar 2015 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt/Main (Deutschland)
So, 18. Januar 2015 – St. Jakobshalle – Basel (Schweiz)
Fr, 22. Januar 2016 – Zenith – München (Deutschland)
Sa, 23. Januar 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt/Main (Deutschland)
So, 24. Januar 2016 – Thüringenhalle – Erfurt (Deutschland)
Mi, 27. Januar 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin (Deutschland)
Fr, 29. Januar 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart (Deutschland)
Sa, 30. Januar 2016 – ISS Dome – Düsseldorf (Deutschland)

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This is the only German show on the January 2015 tour that still has tickets available.
Get your tickets here: http://bit.ly/1yEJJPw

Essen ist die einzige Deutschland-Show auf der Januar 2015 Tour für die aktuell noch Tickets erhältlich sind.
Tickets gibt es hier: http://bit.ly/1yEJJPw

Posted in News. Comments Off on German Manowarriors: Get ready for the Kings Of Metal MMXIV World Tour in Essen on January 14, 2015!


ウォーターマン ロバート
By Robert Waterman

MANOWAR 来日単独公演行ってきました。
I’ve been to the Manowar concert in Japan.
The shocking wave of the world’s loudest sound from the world’s best equipment was comfortable and touched my soul as if bathing in the sound.
For me, Manowar is the best band, and I think they have changed the sense of music.

It is difficult for young people to see Manowar overseas. Although I worship them so much, it was my very first time to see them playing live, and I think I attended this concert as a fan in the true sense. I have attended concerts of other artists just because I liked them, but this time it was my first experience to see the band that I really love, respect, and believe in fanatically in the true sense.

I could understand why girls passed out when the Beatles came to Japan.
If I were a girl, I could get false pregnancy (to see Manowar).
It was my first time to sing along with tears while seeing the show.

Other Band’s play. Manowar Kill!!
It was a historic concert really. I was happy to be there and it is hard to get this feeling in other situations. I think I’m different now from what I was before the concert started. I can’t express well. “Other bands play. Manowar kill!”- I used to understand it by words before, but now I understand the real meaning.
I got killed today. It was so overwhelming.

It’s been many hours since the concert finished but I’m still feeling excited. Let’s create something. I saw such a great thing. I have to leave something. I have to digest and sublime this passion and feeling.
I have to respond to Eric Adams’ passionate singing with tears.

物凄いものを見てしまった。全てを超越、いやもうどう言葉にしていいのか分からない。凄いとか素晴らしいとかが陳腐な表現になってしまう位MANOWARのライブは凄かった。バンドと全てのMANOWARRIORにHAIL!! #manowar
I have seen something extraordinary. It was beyond everything and I don’t know how to express with words. Manowar kicked ass so hard that saying “great” or “fantastic” is such a cheesy expression. Hail to the band and Manowarriors!

マノウォー終了!本当に最高だった。みんながみんなマノウォーTシャツ着てて驚いた笑そして会場の雰囲気がすごく良かった。マノウォーへの愛で溢れてた。そ してマノウォーもマノウォーリアであるファンを愛していて感動した!あんなLIVEはそうそう見れるものじゃないと思う。本当良かった
Manowar’s show finished! It was really fantastic. I’m surprised that everyone wore Manowar T-shirts. And the atmosphere in the venue was so good, it was filled with love of Manowar. And I’m touched that Manowar also loves the fans, Manowarriors! I think I can rarely see such a show. It was really good.

I saw (Manowar) in the front row. It was exciting. (The fans were) so excited even before the show started.

@Orimuh GJです!最後の最後で熱くなりました。
(Regarding the Japanese subtitles) Good job! I was moved so much in the end.

The last message (on the screen) made me cry. Thank you.

@Orimuh改めてお疲れさまでした!それはまさにOrimuhさんがもらうべきですよ(^q^) ファン代表はいろいろと大変かと思いますが、これからもぜひ正しい彼らの姿をお伝え願います。( *^皿^)入 Hail!
Nice to see you today! Orimuh, you deserve it (Joey’s bass string). You might have much work to do as a Circle representative but please let the world know what Manowar really is.

I had the greatest time for the last two days. The Japanese subtitle deserves the best supporting act award! Carry on with the spirit of true metal tomorrow too!

よろしくお願いします。 昨日、今日とライヴ後「凄い良かった」の声が多数でしたね。 93年チッタより明らかに皆歌えてました。 ブログのマムシバー拝見しました。 貴重な体験でしたね (-_^)
@Orimuh I heard “fantastic” after the show both yesterday and tonight from a lot of people. Clearly the fans could sing along better than the show at Citta in 1993. I read about the mamushi bar, a precious experience.

@Orimuhあの会場内には「腰抜け」も「格好だけの奴」も存在しえなかったはずですlml Wimps and Posers, leave the Hall!!!
I’m sure no “wimps” and “posers” could be present in the venue. Wimps and Posers, leave the Hall!!!

@Orimuhこんばんは、初めまして。PRTリスナーです。親友が紆余曲折の末ようやくMANOWARを観ることができ、メールボックスにマムシやHailや鼓膜とい う文字が乱舞しています(笑)ブログ拝読しました。ただただお疲れさまでした、どうもありがとうございましたの二言に尽きます。
Good evening, I’m a listener of PRT (Power Rock Today, Masa Ito’s radio program). My best friend could finally see Manowar after twists and turns, and my mail box is filled with the words from him such as mamushi, hail, and eardrum lol. I read your report in the blog, thank you so much.

@Orimuh私は今回どうしても都合をつけられず行けなかったのですが、友人達からのメールや電話(轟音と興奮のためか、話す声が大きくなっていました(笑))や、ラ ジオ番組に寄せられた皆さんの感激ぶりに次回の来日か、どこかで観られる機会があれば行きます。改めてお礼を申し上げます。
I couldn’t change my schedule to go to the show, but reading e-mails from my friends and talking with them on the phone (their voice was so loud maybe because of loud sound and excitement lol), and hearing the excited comments of the fans sent to the radio program, I’m going to their concert if I have a chance to see them anywhere. Thank you.

I had such a good time seeing Manowar. It’s a pity that they couldn’t play at Loud Park. I’m sure they would have get more fans.

MANOWARライブのfall brothersを思い出してたら、黒澤×三船の映画を観たくなったので『椿三十郎』を酒のつまみに観るの巻。
As I recalled fallen brothers during the Manowar show I wanted to see the movie by Kurosawa and Mifune so I’m watching “Tsubaki Sanjuro” while drinking sake.

今回のMANOWARの来日公演に来れなかった皆さんに感想を伝えるとすれば。 「今までネタだと思われてきた名言や伝説の数々は、ひとつ残らず真実でした。」
If I tell something to everyone who couldn’t see Manowar shows in Japan – “All the statements and legends of the band that were considered as made-up stories are completely true”.

MANOWAR 本日のハイライトは後ろを向くエリックの肩を抱いて、「ほら、前を見なよ!」って促すと、感極まったエリックが堪えきれず涙を流していたシーンだな。
Today’s highlight of Manowar was that (Karl) patting Eric on the shoulder to encourage him to turn around and see the audience, and Eric seemed to be filled with feelings and shed tears.

I’m too happy because of Manowar so it’s hard to live.

Manowar live in Japan with loud sound finished! They made me cry in the end…they promised to come back at Loud Park!

今日で日本人はハッキリと二種類に分けられた。 マノウォーのライブを見たことがあるか、そうでないかだ。
Today Japanese people were clearly divided into two types. Those who have seen Manowar live and those who have not.

想像の何百倍も音がデカく、想像の何百倍も本気だった。 ディマイオ閣下、まさに言文一致、名言に寸分違わぬ佇まいだった。 この人たちがいなくなったメタルの将来を思い、不安にさえなった。 情け容赦のない、しかし情熱的な体験を、ありがとうございました。
The sound was hundreds of times louder than I expected, and they put all the power hundreds of times more than I expected. Mr. DeMaio was just like his words. Thinking about the future of metal without them, I got worried. Thank you for the merciless but passionate experience.

最前列ステージ向かって右側、巨大スピーカーの真ん前だった。 終始顔全体に衝撃が走り、低音で脳と鼻腔が揺れていた。 触れる音は、聴いたことがなかった。
I was in the front row, on the right side facing the stage, in front of the huge speaker. Throughout the show I felt the blast on my face and the bass shook my brain and nasal cavity. I had never heard such sound that I could felt.

I cried a lot.

I have seen many concerts but as an animal I’ve never been overwhelmed like this.

正直いうと二度目のマノウォーにわりと負担感がある。退屈とかそういうのではもちろんなくて、昨日初めて行って知ったけど、マノウォーのライブって強度の 圧倒と畏怖の体験で、ライブとして無茶苦茶「重い」の。メタルだろうがハードコアだろうが、こんなライブ経験は本当に初めて。
To be honest, seeing the second day of seeing Manowar is kind of burden. Of course I don’t mean that I get bored. When I saw them for the first time yesterday and got to know that the show of Manowar is an experience of being strongly overwhelmed and struck with awe, which is very “heavy”. I’ve never experienced such a thing in live shows of other metal or hardcore bands.

I could see the show a bit far from the stage without being too much overwhelmed, and I could see well how actually good their performance was (they’ve been playing for 30 years). I saw well that their actions at certain points of the songs were designed and structured in great detail.

Many people in metal T-shirts are talking like “I had a good experience” after seeing Manowar. I’m going home too. I had a good experience.

Well, 20 years of my life without seeing Manowar is finally over. Tomorrow my life in which I’ve seen Manowar will begin.

人生でこんなに短時間で何回も「kill」と叫んだのは初めてだ。 この記録は再びMANOWARのライブに参戦するまで更新できない。
This is my first time in my life to shout “kill” so many times in such a short time. This record won’t be updated until I see Manowar again.

Manowar kicked ass! This merciless loud sound is the most powerful one!!!!

Manowar has the Guinness world record as the world’s loudest band. I heard that their sound is loud but clear, and actually at the moment when the bass was played there was a sound pressure as if a wind blew. But I could hear all the sounds clearly. Just fantastic. It didn’t give me any earache unlike at Loud Park.

Merciless men, Manowar. However I was touched when they gave mercy Creativeman and set the opportunity to reconcile the promoter and Manowarriors. Everyone will be happy if the promoter promises to book Manowar for the next year’s Loud Park. Great band, really.

I won’t tell detail for people who’s going to the show tomorrow but it’s needles to say that they kicked ass. I experienced something beyond music. Joey DeMaio in front of me (continued to the next post)

(continued from the previous post) looked like not only playing the bass, but wielding a big sword and cutting the body of a monster into pieces. He was fighting.

I really want them (Manowar) to come back next year.

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