Hello, greetings and Hails from England to the guys staffing the Frontrow from Ceri Sian. Maybe it’s even Ruxia reading this in which case hello my sister I hope you are all keeping safe and well. In these strange times I miss all my sisters and brothers so much and have loved reading the stories they are sharing. There follows my story which in many ways was tricky to write. It was hard to write something that was not too personal and instead produce something that could be shared with brothers and sisters I have not met yet. Perhaps this will be of use added to the history you are gathering, I enjoyed writing it in any case. (I know that my old photographs of my family and Joey and myself are already safe with Joey in the archives so I have just included one picture of two treasures, one old, one new).
My name is Ceri Sian and I am from Birmingham in the UK. My Manowar story is one of fandom, friendship and family.
I was at college and already a Manowar fan when one evening my father, an accomplished singer, spoken word artist and poet upon returning from a rehearsal with the Canoldir Welsh Male Voice Choir of which he was a founder member began, quite out of the blue, to ask me questions about Manowar. I was astonished to learn that he had been asked to read for Joey and that the choir had already been engaged to take part in a very special project. Can you even imagine my excitement?
It all seemed unreal to me even as I had the distinct privilege of helping my father rehearse.
When the time came for the choir and my father to be recorded Joey and his crew arrived with recording equipment that looked insane installed in St Paul’s Birmingham but I was there to witness heavy metal history being made. I watched Joey take charge, direct and conduct a choir well over a hundred strong with ease and when the choir had finally done their part and recorded those epic choruses for Kings of Metal and St Paul’s was calm and empty of all but essential crew I was there, perched in the pews as quiet as I have ever been in my life watching my father Arthur and Joey record The Warriors Prayer. As it turned out it wasn’t just metal history being made, strong, lifelong connections were also forged.
When the Kings of Metal tour reached Birmingham, I attended at my father’s side and surrounded as we were by both band and the wonderful crew that day is etched in my memory forever as one of the happiest days of my life.
The power of Manowar’s music and the words of The Warriors Prayer have seen me safe through the years and when the worst times befell our family and my father was lost to us, we were given the gift of Glory, Majesty, Unity and with it an astounding burst of strength that I do not think I would have survived those days without.
I have so many friends and gain more every year, amazing, remarkable and talented friends, every concert is a festival and every gathering an absolute affirmation of global brotherhood and all thanks to Manowar.