Two years ago today MANOWAR made metal history by playing their first ever show in Mexico.

Thanks to the faith and persistance of our Mexican Manowarriors, MANOWAR was finally able to experience the magic of playing in Mexico. 

“Our fans never gave up hope that we would come. We made a promise to our fans that when we came it would be with all our power and they promised to never lose their belief in MANOWAR!” said Joey DeMaio.

To honor this historic day we have released the first video from this show.

Head over to the official MANOWAR YouTube channel to check it out.

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The Turkish Manowarriors have demanded that MANOWAR return to Turkey, and MANOWAR has heard their calls!

For their only show in Turkey this year, MANOWAR will return to Maçka KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçiftlik Park on June 18, 2022.

This will give the Turkish Manowarriors the face-melting sonic explosion they deserve!

Tickets are NOW on sale at

“We are very excited to return to Turkey!” said Joey DeMaio. “The Turkish Manowarriors are living for metal! The energy during our Turkish shows is always electrifying, and the world knows it!”

The “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ’22/’23” features a mega anniversary setlist from eight immortal albums including “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride”, “Triumph Of Steel”, “Kings Of Metal” and “Warriors Of The World” plus other all-time favorites for the ultimate true metal experience!

For tour details and ticket links to all confirmed events go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates.

MANOWAR – Confirmed Tour Dates:

JUN 18, 2022 Istanbul, Turkey – Maçka KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçiftlik Park
JUN 22, 2022 Athens, Greece – Release Athens Festival
JUN 30, 2022 Barcelona, Spain – Barcelona Rock Fest
JUL  21, 2022   FamalicĂŁo, Portugal – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest
FEB 01, 2023 Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
FEB 03, 2023 Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
FEB 06, 2023 Copenhagen, Denmark – Black Box Forum
FEB 08, 2023 Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
FEB 11, 2023 Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
FEB 13, 2023 Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
FEB 15, 2023 Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
FEB 17, 2023 Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
FEB 18, 2023 Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena (same venue, new name)
FEB 19, 2023 Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
FEB 22, 2023 Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
FEB 25, 2023 Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
Date TBC     Helsinki, Finland – Hartwall Arena


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Rescheduled dates are now confirmed for Sweden and Norway!
FEB 03, 2023 – Gothenburg, SE – Partille Arena
FEB 22, 2023 – Oslo, NO – Spektrum

If you had tickets for the previously scheduled dates in April 2022 hold on to them, they are valid for the new dates!

Tickets for Gothenburg and Oslo are available here:⁣

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MANOWAR haben neue Termine fĂŒr DĂ€nemark und Estland bestĂ€tigt, sind jedoch aufgrund von PandemiebeschrĂ€nkungen gezwungen, auch zuvor angekĂŒndigte Shows in Deutschland und den Niederlanden auf Februar 2023 zu verschieben.

„Aufgrund der aktuellen BeschrĂ€nkungen in Deutschland können groß angelegte Indoor-Musikveranstaltungen wie unsere Mega Tour derzeit einfach nicht garantiert werden“, sagte der Produktionsleiter der Band.

Um ihren Fans fĂŒr ihre LoyalitĂ€t und UnterstĂŒtzung zu danken, haben MANOWAR ihre lang erwartete zweite offizielle Mega Fan Convention zur Tour hinzugefĂŒgt, die es den Fans ermöglichen wird, in das MANOWAR-Universum einzutauchen, einen Einblick in das Schaffen der Band zu erhalten und eine spezielle „Mega Fan Only“ MANOWAR-Performance aus der NĂ€he zu erleben. Das Datum und die Details fĂŒr dieses Mega-Fan-Event werden in KĂŒrze bekannt gegeben.

„Diese Shows erneut zu verschieben basiert auf staatlichen Vorschriften. Unsere erste und wichtigste Sorge war und wird immer die Gesundheit und Sicherheit unserer Fans sein und ihre FĂ€higkeit, die Show zu bekommen, die sie erwarten, und nichts weniger“, sagte Joey DeMaio. „Das bedeutet auch, dass wir absolut sicher sein mĂŒssen, dass unsere Produktion in den Hallen aufgefĂŒhrt werden kann, fĂŒr die die Fans Tickets gekauft haben. Viele unserer Fans und Crew reisen aus anderen LĂ€ndern an und wĂ€ren derzeit aufgrund von QuarantĂ€nevorschriften und anderen EinschrĂ€nkungen ausgeschlossen.“

„Aber es gibt gute Nachrichten.“ ergĂ€nzte DeMaio. „Im Rahmen der Terminverschiebung wird der Wunsch unserer Fans nach der „nĂ€chsten offiziellen Mega Fan Convention“ erfĂŒllt! Wir freuen uns, unsere Schatzkammer zu öffnen und unseren Fans die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Geschichte von MANOWAR nĂ€her als je zuvor zu erkunden! Wir appellieren an alle die ein Ticket haben, dieses aufzubewahren. Wir verstehen und teilen die Frustration, aber wir werden das Warten mit einer Killer-Tour wettmachen!“

Die aktualisierten Tourdaten sind:

22. JUN 2022 Athen, Griechenland – Release Athens Festival
30. JUN 2022 Barcelona, Spanien – Barcelona Rock Fest
21. JUL 2022 Famalicão, Portugal – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest
01. FEB 2023 Tallinn, Estland – Saku Arena
06. FEB 2023 Kopenhagen, DĂ€nemark – Black Box Forum
08. FEB 2023 Rotterdam, Niederlande – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
11. FEB 2023 NĂŒrnberg, Deutschland – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
13. FEB 2023 Zwickau, Deutschland – Stadthalle
15. FEB 2023 Mannheim, Deutschland – SAP Arena
17. FEB 2023 Neu-Ulm, Deutschland – Ratiopharm Arena
18. FEB 2023 Oberhausen, Deutschland – Rudolf Weber-Arena (gleiche Arena, neuer Name)
19. FEB 2023 Bremen, Deutschland – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
25. FEB 2023 Berlin, Deutschland – Velodrom
Termin folgt Helsinki, Finnland – Hartwall Arena
Termin folgt Oslo, Norwegen – Spektrum
Termin folgt Göteborg, Schweden – Partille Arena

Neue Termine fĂŒr die Shows in Schweden, Norwegen und Finnland stehen noch aus. Updates folgen sobald wie möglich.

Bereits gekaufte Tickets fĂŒr alle verschobenen Shows behalten ihre GĂŒltigkeit fĂŒr die neuen Termine.

MANOWARs „Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ’22/’23“ feiert ĂŒber vierzig Jahre True Metal, und mit der jetzt ins Jahr 2023 verlĂ€ngerten Tour JubilĂ€en von acht legendĂ€ren Studioalben, darunter „Battle Hymns“, „Into Glory Ride“, „Triumph Of Steel“, „Kings Of Metal“ und „Warriors Of The World“. Die Setliste wird die gesamte Karriere der Band in einer brandneuen, immersiven BĂŒhnenproduktion abdecken.

FĂŒr Ticket Links und Details zur Tour gehe auf

Folge MANOWAR auf, Instagram, Facebook, und Twitter fĂŒr regelmĂ€ĂŸige Updates.

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MANOWAR have confirmed new dates for Denmark and Estonia but due to pandemic restrictions have been forced to also move previously announced shows in Germany and The Netherlands to February 2023.

“Based on the current restrictions in Germany large-scale indoor music events such as our Mega Tour are just impossible to guarantee at this time”, said MANOWAR’s production manager.

To thank their fans for their loyalty and support MANOWAR have added their long-awaited second Official Mega Fan Convention to the tour, which will allow fans to immerse themselves into the MANOWAR universe, experience an inside view into the band’s body of work and enjoy a special “mega fan-only” MANOWAR performance in a close-up, face-melting setting. The date and details for this mega fan event will be announced soon.

“The rescheduling of these shows once again is based on government regulations. Our first and most important concern has always been and will always be for the health and safety of our fans and their ability to get the show that they are expecting, and nothing less,” said Joey DeMaio. “This also means that we have to be absolutely sure our production can be performed in the venues that fans have purchased tickets for. Many of our fans and crew travel from other countries and at this time would be excluded due to quarantine mandates and other restrictions.”

“But there is some good news.” DeMaio continued. “Rescheduling will fulfill our fans’ wish for “The Next Official Mega Fan Convention”! We’re excited to be opening our vaults and giving our fans the chance to explore MANOWAR history closer than ever! We urge everyone with a ticket to hold on to them. We understand and share the frustration, but we’re going to make up for the wait with a killer tour!” 

The confirmed new “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ’22/’23” schedule is:

Jun 22, 2022 Athens, Greece – Release Athens Festival
Jun 30, 2022 Barcelona, Spain – Barcelona Rock Fest
Jul  21, 2022 FamalicĂŁo, Portugal – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest
Feb 01, 2023 Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
Feb 06, 2023 Copenhagen, Denmark – Black Box Forum
Feb 08, 2023 Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
Feb 11, 2023 Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Feb 13, 2023 Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
Feb 15, 2023 Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
Feb 17, 2023 Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
Feb 18, 2023 Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena (same venue, new name)
Feb 19, 2023 Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
Feb 25, 2023 Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
Date TBC Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
Date TBC Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
Date TBC Helsinki, Finland – Hartwall Arena

New dates for the shows in Sweden, Norway and Finland are still pending. Please stay alert for updates.

Previously purchased tickets for all rescheduled shows remain valid for the new dates.

MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ’22/’23” celebrates over forty years of true metal, and with the tour now extended into 2023, anniversaries of eight of the band’s most celebrated studio albums including “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride”, “Triumph Of Steel”, “Kings Of Metal”, and “Warriors Of The World”. The setlist will cover the band’s entire career in a brand new, immersive stage production.

For tour details and ticket links to all confirmed events go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates.

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“Hell On Earth VI”, the latest instalment of MANOWAR’s popular live concert series will feature footage not only from the band’s THE FINAL BATTLE WORLD TOUR 2019/2020 but also from their upcoming CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22. The release date will be announced later.

To thank their fans for their ongoing loyalty and patience during the pandemic, MANOWAR have published a rendition of “Hand Of Doom” from the band’s record-breaking “Warriors Of The World” album on YouTube.
The performance was recorded during the FINAL BATTLE WORLD TOUR at Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart, Germany on April 5th, 2019.

This is the first in a series of videos from the unreleased “Hell On Earth VI” that will be made available.
Videos from MANOWAR’s first ever performance in Mexico will follow, among other highlights.

“We are extremely excited about our upcoming tour! It may start later than planned but it will be worth the wait!” said Joey DeMaio. “The set list will be packed with songs from our entire career, and the stage set will immerse the audience into the center of the MANOWAR universe! We want to include this experience on the next “Hell On Earth” release.”

MANOWAR will embark on their CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 in June 2022. The tour celebrates over forty years of true metal and anniversaries of six of the band’s most acclaimed studio albums with a set list covering the band’s entire career.

COVID-19 restrictions recently forced the band to reschedule their April 2022 tour dates.

Free live videos and more surprises from their vault will offer fans a digital dose of true metal until the face-melting, earth-shattering sound of MANOWAR will blast from the stages of the world again.

For tour details and ticket links to all confirmed events go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates and subscribe to YouTube.

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Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions in many European countries, MANOWAR have rescheduled the German and Dutch dates of their CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 from April to July this year. The remaining April dates will also be rescheduled. Details for these shows will be announced as soon as possible.

“We are ready, willing and able to kick ass as originally scheduled, but with restrictions in many countries ongoing and possibly being extended, there is too much uncertainty.” said Joey DeMaio. “A tour like ours requires a massive amount of organization and preparation several months in advance. We believe we’re now scheduled for a time where large scale live shows can be enjoyed again without worry for the health and well-being of our fans and crew. We’re still in the process of finding new availabilities for the remaining April shows and trust we’ll have news soon. We are as disappointed as our fans about these necessary changes. In the meantime we’ll release a few surprises for our fans to thank them for their continued faith and we’re working on new music and even more amazing moments for the upcoming shows!”

The updated tour dates are:
Sun, July 3, 2022 – Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
Tue, July 5, 2022 – Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
Thu, July 7, 2022 – Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Fri, July 8, 2022 – Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
Sat, July 9, 2022 – Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
Mon, July 11, 2022 – Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
Fri, July 15, 2022 – Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, July 16, 2022 – Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena (same venue, new name)

To all fans who already have tickets for any of these shows – please hold on to them! Previously purchased tickets for all rescheduled shows remain valid for the new dates.

MANOWAR’s CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 celebrates forty years of true metal and anniversaries of six of the band’s most celebrated studio albums with a set list covering the band’s entire career and a brand new stage production.

For tour details and ticket links to all confirmed events go to

Watch the official tour trailer HERE

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates.

MANOWAR – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Wed, June 22, 2022 – Athens, Greece – Release Athens Festival
Thu, June 30, 2022 – Barcelona, Spain – Barcelona Rock Fest
Sun, July 3, 2022 – Rotterdam, Netherlands – RTM Stage @ Rotterdam Ahoy
Tue, July 5, 2022 – Zwickau, Germany – Stadthalle
Thu, July 7, 2022 – Nuremberg, Germany – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Fri, July 8, 2022 – Mannheim, Germany – SAP Arena
Sat, July 9, 2022 – Berlin, Germany – Velodrom
Mon, July 11, 2022 – Bremen, Germany – Halle 7 @ ÖVB-Arena
Fri, July 15, 2022 – Neu-Ulm, Germany – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, July 16, 2022 – Oberhausen, Germany – Rudolf Weber-Arena (same venue, new name)
Thu, July 21, 2022 – FamalicĂŁo, Portugal – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest
New Date TBC – Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
New Date TBC – Helsinki, Finland – Hartwall Arena
New Date TBC – Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
New Date TBC – Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
New Date TBC – Copenhagen, Denmark – Black Box Forum

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Two more shows have been added to MANOWAR’s upcoming CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22:

Friday, April 1, 2022 – Tallinn, Estonia – Saku Arena
Sunday, April 3, 2022 – Helsinki, Finland – Hartwall Arena

“Finally we will return to Finland and Estonia and we are very excited about it! The power, strength and faith of the Finnish and Estonian Manowarriors is legendary. They have been waiting for years and now they will reap their reward in brute force and unmatched power!” said Joey DeMaio. “We’ll be coming with the biggest production we’ve ever toured with and a set list that will crush anyone that isn’t strong enough for true metal!” 

MANOWAR’s CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 will celebrate forty years of true metal and anniversaries of some of the band’s most celebrated studio albums:

40th Anniversary of Battle Hymns 
35th Anniversary of Fighting The World
30th Anniversary of The Triumph Of Steel
20th Anniversary of Warriors Of The World
15th Anniversary of Gods Of War
10th Anniversary of The Lord Of Steel

Tickets for Helsinki will go on sale on January 14, 2022, 9AM CET at 

Tickets for Tallinn are already on sale at 

For tour details and ticket links to all confirmed events go to

Watch the official trailer below


Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates.

MANOWAR – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Fri, April 1, 2022 -Tallinn, EE – Saku Arena
Sun, April 3, 2022 – Helsinki, FI – Hartwall Arena
Thu, April 7, 2022 – Oslo, NO – Spektrum
Sat, April 9, 2022 – Gothenburg, SE – Partille Arena
Sun, April 10, 2022 – Copenhagen, DK – Forum Black Box
Tue, April 12, 2022 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Wed, April 13, 2022 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena – Halle 7
Thu, April 14, 2022 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Sat, April 16, 2022 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sun, April 17, 2022 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Thu, April 21, 2022 – Nuremberg, DE – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Fri, April 22, 2022 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, April 23, 2022 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Wed, June 22, 2022 – Athens, GR – Release Athens 2022 Festival
Thu, June 30, 2022 – Barcelona, ES – Rock Fest Barcelona
Thu, July 21, 2022 – Vila Nova de Famalicão – PT – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest 

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Marking a standout year for the band and their loyal fans around the globe, MANOWAR will return to Scandinavia with their CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 to celebrate their four-decade career and no less than six album anniversaries with an action-packed production full of surprises!

Following shows have been added to next year’s tour schedule:
April 7, 2022 – Oslo, Norway – Spektrum
April 9, 2022 – Gothenburg, Sweden – Partille Arena
April 10, 2022 – Copenhagen, Denmark – Forum Black Box

“It is no secret that Scandinavians live and love heavy metal! They have the passion and power of their Viking ancestors running through their veins.” said Joey DeMaio. “We are excited to return to the lands that have inspired us for so long. And to our Manowarriors there I say: Mark the dates, get your tickets and fasten your seat belts, because we will blow your minds with a tour like none before!”
MANOWAR’s CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 will celebrate forty years of true metal and anniversaries of some of the band’s most celebrated studio albums:
40th Anniversary of Battle Hymns
35th Anniversary of Fighting The World
30th Anniversary of The Triumph Of Steel
20th Anniversary of Warriors Of The World
15th Anniversary of Gods Of War
10th Anniversary of The Lord Of Steel

Tickets for MANOWAR’s return to Scandinavia will go on sale on December 6th, 2021 at 10AM CET for Norway and Sweden and on December 7th, 2021 at 10AM CET for Denmark.

Follow these links to get your tickets:

Watch the official trailer below

For all tour details and ticket links go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates.
MANOWAR – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Thu, April 7, 2022 – Oslo, NO – Spektrum
Sat, April 9, 2022 – Gothenburg, SE – Partille Arena
Sun, April 10, 2022 – Copenhagen, DK – Forum Black Box
Tue, April 12, 2022 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Wed, April 13, 2022 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena – Halle 7
Thu, April 14, 2022 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Sat, April 16, 2022 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sun, April 17, 2022 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Thu, April 21, 2022 – Nuremberg, DE – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Fri, April 22, 2022 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, April 23, 2022 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Wed, June 22, 2022 – Athens, GR – Release Athens 2022 Festival
Thu, June 30, 2022 – Barcelona, ES – Rock Fest Barcelona
Thu, July 21, 2022 – Vila Nova de Famalicão – PT – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest

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The unwavering loyalty of the Greek Manowarriors has once again prevailed: MANOWAR will return to Greece with an exclusive headlining performance of Release Athens 2022 festival at Plateia Nerou on June 22nd, 2022.

In a press conference held in Athens last night, Joey DeMaio announced that the band will bring a crushing new production, killer set list and a special gift for the Greek fans to commemorate a truly outstanding year in music history!

As metal fans will know, 2022 marks the 30th year since the release of “The Triumph Of Steel”. With this album MANOWAR surprised their fans with the over 28 minutes long track “Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts”, inspired by Homer’s ancient Greek poem “The Iliad”.

In celebration of this memorable anniversary and as a THANK YOU for the steadfast and passionate support of the Greek Manowarriors, MANOWAR have now taken on “The Odyssey”, Homer’s tale of the great hero Odysseus and his long and perilous quest to return to his wife and son.

“We are extremely excited to return to Greece and sharing our tribute to this country’s amazing past!” said Joey DeMaio. “The welcome we received at Release Athens 2019 was fantastic as always. That show, and being surrounded by Greece’s unique culture and history again inspired us to revisit Homer, as we had long planned!”

For this project, MANOWAR went to great lengths: not only did they record a song titled “The Revenge Of Odysseus” for their upcoming new studio album, Joey DeMaio also traveled to Athens to record a narration with father and son team Kostas and Konstantinos Kazakos. Kostas, hailed in Greece for his participation in many movies and as an accomplished theater actor and writer, and his son Kostantinos, who is also a talented actor, narrated a touching dialogue between Odysseus and his son Telemachus. And to honor the historic source material, they did so in Ancient Greek, translated from English by Sakis Tolis of Greek metal band “Rotting Christ”!

“It was a pleasure and privilege to work with Kostas and Konstantinos, Sakis and everyone else who was involved in this narration” said Joey DeMaio. “I call Kostas ‘the Greek Orson Welles’, not only because these two giants share many remarkable talents and outstanding voices, but also for being equally passionate to deliver a perfect narration while being humble and kind at the same time! We can’t wait to share everything with our fans.”

The CRUSHING THE ENEMIES OF METAL ANNIVERSARY TOUR ’22 will celebrate over 40 years of band history and six signature MANOWAR albums and their anniversaries:
40th Anniversary of Battle Hymns
35th Anniversary of Fighting The World
30th Anniversary of The Triumph Of Steel
20th Anniversary of Warriors Of The World
15th Anniversary of Gods Of War
10th Anniversary of The Lord Of Steel

Tickets for MANOWAR’s exclusive 2022 performance in Greece will go on sale Thursday, November 18th, 2021 at 11AM local time (10AM CET) at

Watch the official tour trailer:

For all tour details and ticket links go to

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for constant updates.

MANOWAR – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Tue, April 12, 2022 – Rotterdam, NL – Rotterdam Ahoy
Wed, April 13, 2022 – Bremen, DE – ÖVB-Arena – Halle 7
Thu, April 14, 2022 – Berlin, DE – Velodrom
Sat, April 16, 2022 – Oberhausen, DE – König Pilsener Arena
Sun, April 17, 2022 – Zwickau, DE – Stadthalle
Thu, April 21, 2022 – Nuremberg, DE – Arena NĂŒrnberger Versicherung
Fri, April 22, 2022 – Neu-Ulm, DE – Ratiopharm Arena
Sat, April 23, 2022 – Mannheim, DE – SAP Arena
Wed, June 22, 2022 – Athens, GR – Release Athens 2022 Festival
Thu, June 30, 2022 – Barcelona, ES – Rock Fest Barcelona
Thu, July 21, 2022 – Vila Nova de Famalicão – PT – Laurus Nobilis Music Fest

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