The Kingdom Of Steel U.S and The Kingdom Of Steel Europe now offer brand new promotions to the Greatest Fans In The World! Check them out before it is too late!

>> The Kingdom Of Steel U.S. <<

!! Get a 10USD GIFT CERTIFICATE from the Kingdom Of Steel U.S. for every 100USD purchase value*.
(*Excludes Giclée prints)

!! Get 20% OFF on all CDs and DVDs.
(Discount will show automatically once product is added to your shopping cart.)

!! Earn DOUBLE Valhalla rewards points on all orders placed during the promotion period.
For details about Valhalla go to http://www.thekingdomofsteel.com/valhalla/

These promotions are offered December 1st through December 15th 2015, only for household quantities ordered and only while stocks last. Check out the Terms & Conditions on the website for more details.

Also check out the NEW ITEMS that have been added to The Kingdom Of Steel U.S.:



Go to www.thekingdomofsteel.com

>> The Kingdom Of Steel Europe <<

!! Get a 10EUR GIFT CERTIFICATE from the Kingdom Of Steel Europe for every 100EUR purchase value*.
(*Excludes ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGES STEEL and BRONZE and Giclée prints)

!! Get 20% OFF on all CDs and DVDs.
(Discount will show automatically once product is added to your shopping cart.)

!! Earn DOUBLE Valhalla rewards points on all orders placed during the promotion period.
For details about Valhalla go to http://www.thekingdomofsteel.eu/valhalla/

These promotions are offered December 1st through December 15th 2015, only for household quantities ordered and only while stocks last. Check out the Terms & Conditions on the website for more details.

Also check out this NEW ITEM at The Kingdom Of Steel Europe:

And of course, only in The Kingdom Of Steel Europe can you order ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGE UPGRADES for the Gods And Kings World Tour 2016! Read more about these upgrades for an enhanced show experience HERE: http://bit.ly/1Qp8wUS

Go to www.thekingdomofsteel.eu

Note that the two Kingdom Of Steel stores are the ONLY officially authorized stores in the world for MANOWAR merchandise and they both offer worldwide shipping. Any MANOWAR merchandise sold elsewhere (except at MANOWAR’s merchandise booth on tour) is unauthorized and therefore illegal, designed to rip off our fans!
We are calling you to report by email to frontrow@manowar.com where you have seen false MANOWAR merchandise!

See you at The Kingdoms Of Steel!


Enter today for a chance to win tickets for a fellow Manowarrior and yourself to the Gods And Kings World Tour 2016!

MANOWAR are giving YOU a chance to celebrate a true friend!

MANOWAR is proud to have the greatest fans in the world!
Not only are they the most loyal fans any band has ever seen but they are also a circle of brothers and sisters, who live their lives by true MANOWAR principles: loyalty, friendship, unity and being there for each other.

Give someone you feel deserves it more than anybody the chance to experience with you the power and unity of a MANOWAR show!

Maybe it is a friend who is going through a rough time and needs encouragement and positive spirit. Maybe it is somebody who has stood by you when you needed it most. Or perhaps just somebody that is connected to you by the bond of true friendship and brotherhood.

Here is how you can enter to win:

Share a picture of your friend or both of you and tell us your story: Who is the friend you want to bring on this journey, and why does he/she deserve it more than anybody else?

Step 1:
First, we need a few things from you, like your full name and email address and we need you to read our Terms and Conditions HERE: http://bit.ly/1QL3l1Y or HERE: http://www.manowar.com/interactive

Step 2:
Attach a photo of your friend or both of you, and share your story. If the photo features another person or persons, make sure you use a photo that you have permission to publicly share.

If you win, you can select a show of your choice from the upcoming Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 that you want to attend with your friend! (Travel or other expenses are not included in this prize. The prize is general admission for you and your friend to the show of your choice.)

Step 3:
Send us your submission as explained in the Terms and Conditions and invite your friends and family to participate for their chance to win!

Submission deadline is December 15, 2015.

Blood Brothers still for post

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Blood Brothers Conditions still

How To Join:

1. Send us a picture of your friend or both of you by email as described below and tell us your story: Who is the friend you want to bring on this journey, and why does he/she deserve it more than anybody else?

For a full description of the contest read HERE: http://bit.ly/1NgfFVB

Your photo can feature any material of your choice that meets the Terms and Conditions of this contest as described in these Terms And Conditions.

DO NOT use copyrighted material or materials that can infringe upon local laws or on other people’s rights. Please photograph horizontally – that’s easier for us to integrate!

Read the Terms and Conditions of this contest below.

2. Send your photo to frontrow@manowar.com.

Include “Take Me To The Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” in the title of your email.
And don’t forget to tell us your full name in the email. If you want to tell us a bit more about yourself, your age, where you live etc., please do so!

Terms and Conditions:

To participate in this contest you must read the Terms and Conditions of this contest as they are essential to qualify you, and submit your photo(s) by email to frontrow@manowar.com as described above.

If the picture features other persons than you, you are responsible for taking all steps necessary to protect the rights of any and all persons depicted, including but not limited to obtaining their permission. For a photo in which a person other than you is recognizable, you must be able to provide a written consent by this person upon Magic Circle Entertainment’s request. If the subject is a minor, the consent must be signed by the subject’s parent or legal guardian.

You must be the owner of all photos submitted and must be able to submit proof at any time, if requested. We accept photos taken by you or taken of you. However, since someone else usually takes photos of you, you MUST have their consent to use the picture that you submit.
As such, you are required to comply with all U.S. and international laws.

Digital photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible. Photographs must be in a .jpeg or .jpg format. We recommend all files to be between 3 megabytes and 8 megabytes and minimum 1600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1600 pixels tall (if vertical image).
High quality scans of non-digital photographs are acceptable and must follow the same guidelines.

This contest is open to entrants of all ages. Entrants under 18 years of age require the permission of a parent or legal guardian. By entering the contest, entrants under 18 years of age confirm that they have obtained the permission of a parent or guardian.

As a contestant, you indemnify Magic Circle Entertainment and its affiliates for any violations in connection with the material(s) submitted by you and the content featured therein. Furthermore, you agree to hold harmless Magic Circle Entertainment, its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents and/or employees against any and all claims, judgments, damages, liabilities, penalties and fines of any kind, stemming from any discovery that the submitted material(s) violate any and all applicable laws.

Copyright in all materials submitted for this contest will remain with the owner. Materials reproduced may include a videographer/photographer credit where feasible and at the discretion of Magic Circle Entertainment.

With your entry into this contest, you grant Magic Circle Entertainment and those authorized by them, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to display, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works of your entry, in whole or in part, in any media now existing or later developed, for any and all purposes in connection with MANOWAR and Magic Circle Entertainment.
All rights and permissions granted to Magic Circle Entertainment by you are granted free of charge and Magic Circle Entertainment or its affiliates will not be required to pay any consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with the exploitation of these rights. With the submission of your material(s), you grant Magic Circle Entertainment and its affiliates the right to edit the material in any form necessary for the described purposes.

Contest submissions must not contain personally identifiable information such as last names, addresses, phone numbers, screen names, email addresses. You must not engage in any violent, dangerous or illegal behavior in creating a contest entry. Contest entries must not contain inappropriate content, including but not limited to pornographic or violent material, or materials that promote violence. Contest entries must not defame or invade the privacy or publicity rights of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon a person’s personal or proprietary rights.

Magic Circle Entertainment reserve the right to reject any submission which we, in our sole discretion, deem offensive, obscene, provocative, violate the law or are otherwise unsuitable for use.
Once submitted, you have granted us permission to use your material as per these Terms and Conditions, even if you decide to remove your submission from its platform (if applicable) at any time after submitting your contest entry to us. We cannot notify you of the receipt of your submission and will not be able to respond to inquiries concerning their receipt.


Display or publication of your entry on Magic Circle Entertainment’s or any of its affiliate’s websites does not indicate that you will be selected as a winner.

All information detailing how to enter this contest forms are part of these Terms and Conditions.

Magic Circle Entertainment reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.

Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the words “we”, “us” and “our” refer to MAGIC CIRCLE ENTERTAINMENT, and all of our officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys and affiliates.
By submitting images to this contest, you are deemed to have reviewed, read and accept this contest’s Rules and Terms and Conditions.

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The Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 in Erfurt, Germany will now be celebrated at Messehalle Erfurt.

Get your tickets now for the face-melting metal only MANOWAR can give you!

Lars Bernd Events announce:

Liebe Manowar-Fans, folgende Situation ist nun offiziell fĂŒr das Konzert in Erfurt:

MANOWAR Show will take place at Messehalle Erfurt!

The current situation of hospitality for refugees is a big deal for cities and communities all over Germany. Also the city of Erfurt had to establish ThĂŒringenhalle as an emergency accommodation, which had to be seen sympathetically if you think of the doom of all these human beings.
Therefore it’s not longer possible to arrange and held events in this hall. Also already booked shows like the „Gods & Kings Tour 2016“ of the Heavy Metal band Manowar has to be moved in other venues. For the show on January 24 2016 in Erfurt there had to be found a solution and an alternative event location. With help from the city of Erfurt and lot of commitment of the Messe Erfurt, a perfect hall could be found. The only show of Manowar in eastern Germany will now be held in the Messehalle 1.

Because of this shift of the Manowar Show to Messe Erfurt it’s now possible to book seat places, which is a plus for the visitors.
Of course all of the already bought tickets keep their validity and also the ticket price of 71,00 € (plus charges) stays the same. You can buy the seat places at all known pre-selling ticket agencies.

MANOWAR Konzert wird in Messehalle Erfurt verlegt!

Die Unterbringungs-Situation fĂŒr FlĂŒchtlinge ist fĂŒr StĂ€dte & Gemeinden aktuell ein riesige Herausforderung. Die Stadt Erfurt musste aufgrund der angespannten Lage die ThĂŒringenhalle kurzfristig als Notunterkunft umnutzen, was im Hinblick auf das Schicksal dieser Menschen auch vollstes VerstĂ€ndnis verdient.
Da auch bereits feststehende Konzerte nun vorerst nicht mehr in der Halle stattfinden können, musste auch fĂŒr die „Gods & Kings Tour 2016“ der Heavy Metal Schwergewichte von Manowar, welche am 24. Januar 2016 in Erfurt gastieren, ein Ersatz gefunden werden. Durch die Mithilfe der Stadt Erfurt und dem besonderen Engagement der Messe Erfurt konnte mit der Messehalle 1 eine perfekte SpielstĂ€tte fĂŒr die einzige Show von Manowar in Mitteldeutschland gefunden werden.

Durch die Verlegung des Manowar Konzerts in die Messehalle Erfurt ergibt sich auch fĂŒr die Besucher eine neue Möglichkeit: Es ist es nun möglich, SitzplĂ€tze zu buchen!
Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten natĂŒrlich alle ihre GĂŒltigkeit und auch der Ticketpreis von 71,00 € im VVK zzgl. GebĂŒhren bleibt erhalten. Die neuen Sitzplatz Tickets sind nun an allen bekannten VVK-Stellen erhĂ€ltlich.

In diesem Sinne viel Spaß bei dem Konzert!

2016 Gods and Kings Tour profile NEW FINAL

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MANOWAR heeds the call of their faithful Manowarriors and now offers ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGE UPGRADES for the Gods And Kings World Tour 2016!

ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGE UPGRADES are upgrades to the general admission tickets and offer an array of special treats for your ultimate show experience. Upgrade tickets are available in limited quantities for all shows on the “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016”, exclusively on www.thekingdomofsteel.eu.

ULTIMATE FAN STEEL PACKAGE* – VERY limited availabilities per show!

– Your photo taken with MANOWAR by our official photographer, right before the show
– Personalized autographed commemorative souvenir
– Behind-the-scenes, technical sneak peak into the show preparation: Get an insight into what really goes on before doors open at a MANOWAR concert.
– Early admission into the venue: Access the venue before everyone else.
– Guaranteed front row spot
– Collectible exclusive laminate
– 25% discount on merchandise from our merchandise booth (1 transaction per Ultimate Fan Package ticket holder)
– Private crowd free merchandise shopping upon early admission
– On site Ultimate Fan Host

*Available only with a valid ticket for the show of your choice and only while stocks last.

ULTIMATE FAN BRONZE PACKAGE* – Limited availabilities per show

– Personalized autographed commemorative souvenir
– Early admission into the venue: Access the venue before general admission ticket holders.
– Collectible exclusive laminate
– 10% discount on merchandise from our merchandise booth (1 transaction per Ultimate Fan Package ticket holder).
– Private crowd free merchandise shopping, upon early admission
– On site Ultimate Fan Host

*Available only with a valid ticket for the show of your choice and only while stocks last.

Upgrades are available exclusively on www.thekingdomofsteel.eu in a limited number per show!
Be sure to get YOUR upgrade for this exclusive metal feast while supply lasts!

For Ultimate Fan Steel Package Upgrades go to http://bit.ly/1SRWVw7
For Ultimate Fan Bronze Package Upgrades go to http://bit.ly/1Yc1Evt

Links for general admission tickets and further information are available on www.manowar.com/tour.

The “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” will celebrate Kings Of Metal MMXIV, which many fans haven’t had a chance to experience live yet, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Gods Of War, which was unleashed on the world in 2007.
The set list on the “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” will be packed with highlights from both albums, plus many other classics and special surprises.

Follow MANOWAR on www.manowar.com and www.facebook.com/manowar for constant updates.

VIP package STEEL_FINAL_GaKTour2016

VIP package BRONZE_FINAL_GaKTour2016

Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 – Confirmed Tour Dates:
Thu, January 14, 2016 – Ostrava ArĂ©na (formerly named ČEZ ArĂ©na) – Ostrava, Czech Republic
Fri, January 15, 2016 – DRFG Arena (formerly named Kajot Arena) – Brno, Czech Republic
Sat, January 16, 2016 – Torwar Hall – Warsaw, Poland
Mon, January 18, 2016 – Aegon Arena Bratislava, Slovakia
Tue, January 19, 2016 – Forum KarlĂ­n – Prague, Czech Republic
Wed, January 20, 2016 – Forum KarlĂ­n – Prague, Czech Republic
Fri, January 22, 2016 – Zenith – Munich, Germany
Sat, January 23, 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt, Germany
Sun, January 24, 2016 – ThĂŒringenhalle – Erfurt, Germany
Wed, January 27, 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin, Germany
Fri, January 29, 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart, Germany
Sat, January 30, 2016 – ISS Dome – DĂŒsseldorf, Germany
Sun, January 31, 2016 – SCC – Aarhus, Denmark
Tue, February 2, 2016 – Konserthus – Stavanger, Norway
Fri, February 5, 2016 – Nova Arena – TrollhĂ€ttan, Sweden (new venue)
Sat, February 6, 2016 – Fryshuset Arenan – Stockholm, Sweden
Mon, February 8, 2016 – Rock CafĂ© – Tallinn, Estonia
Tue, February 9, 2016 – Palladium – Riga, Latvia
Wed, February 10, 2016 – Compensa KoncertĆł Salė – Vilnius, Lithuania
Fri, February 12, 2016 – Pakkahuone – Tampere, Finland
Sat, February 13, 2016 – The Circus – Helsinki, Finland
Tue, February 16, 2016 – Minsk Sports Palace – Minsk, Belarus

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MANOWAR have added yet another first to their upcoming “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016”: A choir comprised of students from TrollhĂ€ttan’s Hjortmosseskolan and Udevalla’s VĂ€sterskolan will open the MANOWAR show on February 5th 2016 at Nova Arena, TrollhĂ€ttan.

Following a first successful collaboration in Germany in January 2015, MANOWAR had extended the invitation to share their stage with young classical musicians to their 2016 tour.

„We are looking forward to the first ever performance of a youth choir in one of our shows“ said Joey DeMaio. „We launched this initative to encourage young classical musicians, and acknwocklege their passion for their music and their commitment to do something that may not be considered ‚cool’ among their peers. We want to show them that standing up for what you believe in pays off, regardless what others say!“ he continued. „We know our Manowarriors will welcome these kids to our family and reward them for their courage!“

The choir members are between 14 and 16 years of age and are all studying a specialized music profile. They will perform pieces from their repertoire as well as MANOWAR songs.

On the “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” MANOWAR will celebrate Kings Of Metal MMXIV, which many fans haven’t had a chance to experience live yet, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Gods Of War, which was unleashed on the world in 2007. The set list will be packed with fan favorites from both albums, plus many other classics and special surprises.

Tickets for MANOWAR’s “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” in TrollhĂ€ttan are available here: http://bit.ly/1LgNQgx

For ticket links and further information on the entire Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 go to manowar.com/tour

Follow MANOWAR on manowar.com and facebook.com/manowar for constant updates.

for Sweden NF USE

Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 – Confirmed Tour Dates:

Thu, January 14, 2016 – Ostrava ArĂ©na (formerly named ČEZ ArĂ©na) – Ostrava, Czech Republic
Fri, January 15, 2016 – DRFG Arena (formerly named Kajot Arena) – Brno, Czech Republic
Sat, January 16, 2016 – Torwar Hall – Warsaw, Poland
Mon, January 18, 2016 – Aegon Arena Bratislava, Slovakia
Tue, January 19, 2016 – Forum KarlĂ­n – Prague, Czech Republic
Wed, January 20, 2016 – Forum KarlĂ­n – Prague, Czech Republic
Fri, January 22, 2016 – Zenith – Munich, Germany
Sat, January 23, 2016 – Jahrhunderthalle – Frankfurt, Germany
Sun, January 24, 2016 – ThĂŒringenhalle – Erfurt, Germany
Wed, January 27, 2016 – Tempodrom – Berlin, Germany
Fri, January 29, 2016 – Porsche Arena – Stuttgart, Germany
Sat, January 30, 2016 – ISS Dome – DĂŒsseldorf, Germa
Sun, January 31, 2016 – SCC – Aarhus, Denmark
Tue, February 2, 2016 – Konserthus – Stavanger, Norway
Fri, February 5, 2016 – Nova Arena – TrollhĂ€ttan, Sweden (new venue)
Sat, February 6, 2016 – Fryshuset Arenan – Stockholm, Sweden
Mon, February 8, 2016 – Rock CafĂ© – Tallinn, Estonia
Tue, February 9, 2016 – Palladium – Riga, Latvia
Wed, February 10, 2016 – Compensa KoncertĆł Salė – Vilnius, Lithuania
Fri, February 12, 2016 – Pakkahuone – Tampere, Finland
Sat, February 13, 2016 – The Circus – Helsinki, Finland
Tue, February 16, 2016 – Minsk Sports Palace – Minsk, Belarus

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Salute To Our Fathers!

On November 8th, Manowarriors in our upcoming tour destinations Finland, Norway, Sweden and Estonia will be celebrating Father’s Day. We say: Any day is a good day to honor our families!

We are pleased to announce that the Swedish and Russian renditions of “Father” – our hymn to these great men in all our lives – are now also available for digital purchase. With these additions the song is now available in 18 languages. Check out iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.

For all who will attend our show in Stavanger (Norway) on the upcoming tour, here is another special treat for you:
At this show, two local talents – vocalist Mari Lunde and Kjartan Øvrehus on guitar – accompanied by the Rogaland Youth Symphony Orchestra (RUSO) will perform “Father” (“Far”) in Norwegian.

RUSO is a county-wide youth orchestra assembled from members of the local orchestras in Rogaland county and its administrative center, Stavanger. The musicians range from 13 to 19 years of age.

As previously announced, members of the RUSO orchestra will open the MANOWAR show on February 2nd 2016, playing pieces from their own repertoire, as well as a selection of MANOWAR songs.

Tickets for MANOWAR’s “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” in Stavanger, Norway are available at http://bit.ly/1QL0Glr

The “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016“ will celebrate Kings Of Metal MMXIV, which many fans haven’t had a chance to experience live yet, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Gods Of War, which was unleashed on the world in 2007. The set list will be packed with fan favorites from both albums, plus many other classics and special surprises.

For ticket links and further information on the entire Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 go to manowar.com/tour

Follow MANOWAR on manowar.com and facebook.com/manowar for constant updates.

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Musicians from RUSO Youth Orchestra in Stavanger, Norway were caught by surprise when Joey DeMaio visited their first rehearsal of the season.

RUSO is a county-wide youth orchestra assembled from members of the local orchestras in Rogaland county and its administrative center, Stavanger and they will be appearing as special guests at MANOWAR’s Stavanger show on February 2nd 2016.

During this rehearsal the young musicians, between 13 and 19 years of age, practiced songs from their standard repertoire as well, for the first time ever, MANOWAR songs which they will be playing during their first performance in front of a metal audience.

“Relax! Have fun!” DeMaio said to the orchestra. “Play loud! Play from your heart! That is the most important. Kick ass and don’t be afraid of anything!” DeMaio reassured the young adults.

Joining the rehearsals were also local performers vocalist Mari Lunde and guitarist and vocalist Kjartan Øvrehus who will be performing the MANOWAR song “Father” in Norwegian, along with RUSO orchestra.

“This is very different and new for us. We are all very excited about this collaboration!” said RUSO CEO Sindre Lyslo. “Families and friends of our musicians are of course planning to attend the show. This is going to be a big thing for everybody!”

“We are proud to have these young musicians with us on our exclusive Norwegian show on this tour, and give them a platform to experience a large audience. We are sure the performers and audience will have a great time!” said Joey DeMaio.

The “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016“ will celebrate Kings Of Metal MMXIV, which many fans haven’t had a chance to experience live yet, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Gods Of War, which was unleashed on the world in 2007. The set list will be packed with fan favorites from both albums, plus many other classics and special surprises.

Tickets for MANOWAR’s “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” in Stavanger, Norway are available at http://bit.ly/1QL0Glr

For ticket links and further information on the entire Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 go to manowar.com/tour

Follow MANOWAR on manowar.com and facebook.com/manowar for constant updates.

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It is with much regret that we must report that our previously announced concerts scheduled to take place in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest (on February 19 and 21 2016, respectively) are officially cancelled due to lack of contractually agreed payment by the promoter.

While MANOWAR always does the maximum possible to attend the demand of their fans to go to their cities, it is impossible for the band to bring such massive productions without a reliable partner in their country, who respects their contractual financial commitments.

We urge all fans who bought tickets for these shows to immediately contact their original point of purchase to obtain a full refund. Promoters S.C. PROJECT EVENTS S.R.L. may also be contacted for refunds via phone (031-4329187) or website (http://www.projectevents.ro/contact).

All other shows of the Gods And Kings World Tour 2016 will take place as scheduled.

For full list of tour dates and ticket links go to www.manowar.com/tour


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Get ready for MANOWAR’s “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016”!

“In the MANOWAR universe bigger is better!” said Joey DeMaio. “If you think the Kings Of Metal tour was massive, just imagine what is going to happen when we join forces with the earth-cracking Gods Of War!”

The “Gods And Kings World Tour 2016” will celebrate Kings Of Metal MMXIV, which many fans haven’t had a chance to experience live yet, as well as the upcoming anniversary of Gods Of War, which was unleashed on the world in 2007.

The set list will be packed with fan favorites from both albums, plus many other classics and special surprises.

Ticket links and further information are available on www.manowar.com/tour

“We will once again push man, machine and metal beyond all standards.” said MANOWAR. “This tour will be devastating! If you have metal in your veins, you don’t want to miss it!”

Follow MANOWAR on www.manowar.com and www.facebook.com/manowar for constant updates.

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